viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Testosterone, Race and IQ: Avenues for Research

I think exploring the testosterone factor might be fertile for getting at the roots of IQ differences between different groups.
Blacks are the high testosterone group, Asians are the low testosterone group, and Caucasians are somewhere in between the two. There is also disparitybetween the IQ scores of black males and black females.
It would be overly simplistic to draw too much of a negative correlation between testosterone and IQ, as we don’t have evidence that there is a gender disparity in IQ performance for Asians or Caucasians as there is for blacks. Maybe there’s a threshold level where testosterone becomes a significant impediment to developing cognitive ability. Maybe testosterone is one factor that is synergistic with others in interfering with the self control required to develop the cognitive intellect in the formative years.
It would also be interesting to compare the premium on intelligence as an adaptive characteristic between tribal and civil societies. Maybe high testosterone levels are adaptive in tribal societies while lower testosterone levels are adaptive in civil societies.

Violence, nature or nurture?

I believe that culture, as well as poverty, education, IQ and the like are all connected to violence, but correlation does not equal causation. We have to look deeper into the cause of the violence, not just what they often have in common.

How can we tell what there is in common if we do not have a good picture of the criminals though? Some crimes and criminals get a lot of publicity, because the story is sensational. The dog bites man story is common, but when a man bites a dog, that is news worthy! So we can't trust the media to report fairly on the common crime, or what links them together. They have been known to show a bias and hide key evidence. . .We can trust the science and the stats on crime though.  

For instance hormones. . .can we trace violence to certain hormones? Yes we can! It is called testosterone.
Testosterone is a hormone associated with a quick temper, rage, lack of impulse control, etc.

When studying high testosterone in men they say ''The overall picture among the high-testosterone men is one of delinquency, substance abuse and a tendency toward excess. . .They have more trouble with people like teachers while they are growing up, have more sexual partners, are more likely to have gone AWOL in the service and to have used hard drugs. But that was so mainly for men who had low income and little education. . . among rapists, high levels are found in those who committed the most vicious attacks, and that among young men, schoolyard bullies have high levels of the hormone. . .testosterone levels correlated with certain vocations. Ministers were low in the hormone, while actors and football players had the highest levels. . .those who described themselves as entertainers also had high testosterone. . .The behavior of high testosterone individuals reflects intractability, unmanageability, and lack of docility as well as aggression and violence."
Source  Source
 OK, so high testosterone is very BAD!
Furthermore, we are apparently not idiots, we can tell a face with high testosterone with "above-chance accuracy."

According to an article in Psychology today on facial profiling, we instinctively judge a face and it is generally right! They says that "High testosterone shows itself in strong jawbones, darker coloring, and hollower cheekbones. . . At the University of St. Andrews, volunteers of both genders could tell, with above-chance accuracy, whether people were promiscuous (open to one-night stands and sex without love) just by looking at photos of their faces. . . Among men, the Lothario face (a composite of the most promiscuous males) had high-testosterone features: slightly smaller eyes, larger noses, and broader cheekbones."

Other studies connected behavior of different men with different monkeys.
"Whereas "status-striving" men tend to produce the macho hormone testosterone when challenged, like chimpanzees, laid-back men produce cortisol, nicknamed the cuddle compound, like bonobos."
So the two monkeys produce the fight or flight hormones. The "fight" men are like chimps in their hormonal response, while the "flight" men are like the bonobos in their hormonal response the article showed. 

Interestingly, there are other studies that show a genetic link of certain races to those same monkeys. Which may make these same races actually have the same reactions as those monkeys.

"Bonobos and chimpanzees differ strikingly in key social and sexual behaviors. We find that more than three per cent of the human genome is more closely related to either the bonobo (European Americans) or the chimpanzee (black Africans) genome than these are to each other."  "While Bonobos most resemble modern humans, it is chimpanzees which resemble modern blacks with their highly aggressive society. Bonobos live in peaceful constructive society."

Considering the numerous features and bad behaviors of high testosterone males, not shockingly then, a much higher level of testosterone has been registered in young blacks, as well as many Hispanics. (Though likely not all, as many are a large part white now.)

 "Sub-Saharan Blacks are highly polygynous, and this resulted in intense competition for fewer women and selection for very robust male body types. SS Blacks are more robust than Whites on all variables. Young Black males have higher levels of active testosterone than European and Asian males. Asian levels are intermediate to Blacks and Whites, but Asians have lower levels of a chemical needed to convert testosterone to its active agent, so effectively they have lower levels."
 Some tests for the mixed races showed significant differences with whites, while others didn't. . .likely dependent on the sample group being screened for IQ or not. IQ tends to be low in those with high testosterone, causing some scientists to say that high testosterone lowers the IQ.

 "Intelligent people have lower libidos and less masculine physiques. What hormone is responsible for both sex drive and masculine builds? That's right: testosterone. And two new papers suggest that testosterone may depress IQ."

Of course testosterone may appear to "depress IQ", as testosterone is high in Africans, and IQ is abnormally low in all of Africa. . .

Again, they are avoiding the obvious, it is the blacks who are the ones with the high testosterone and the low IQ.

Testosterone doesn't change your IQ. Studies show it changes very little by diet or environment. . .it is mostly if not all genetic.

If IQ isn't obvious enough with this link, the brain size is another. 

"Promiscuity [linked with high testosterone males] in a population correlates with larger testicles. . . There is a tradeoff between testicle size and brain size because both are costly organs – if more resources are invested in larger testicles, then there are fewer resources available for a larger brain. Also, brains and testicles support different strategies for the male to pass on his alleles. . . If females need male resources, big brains beat big balls. Of the three major races, blacks have the largest testicles and the smallest brains."

Then there is head size, which is very different with whites and blacks. Head size is correlated strongly with brain size, which is also correlated with IQ. Have you ever wondered why they measured a newborns head?

There are many other both historical and scientifically proven links to lowered intelligence in the blacks, as well as violence via their hormones. There are many good books by scientists, just stating the facts. Here are two you can read online. Here and here.
So while many try to skirt around the racial implications of violence and aggression, fighting for the top position, ruthlessly is something that low IQ, testosterone pumped up minorities (but especially the blacks who are pure) are wired for, just as the chimp is. 

In primates, the higher the testosterone, the higher their rank. ''Finding your place in the hierarchy is a basic part of primate life, and testosterone is tightly linked to the outcome of battles for dominance in other species.'' In black culture the most dominant male is the most domineering and rough. This would be why from the age of even 2, black boys will attack and even growl at others they perceive to be challenging them. (I have seen this myself, and the little white boy was just smiling at him!)

Even to look a black guy in the eyes is a show of superiority to him! Only the alpha male looks a male in the eye, all others who are from less dominating positions must look down. In all dark countries they look down to superiors, just as monkeys do. In all white countries they are equals and maintain eye contact out of respect and confidence.

 Everything is a competition to black men! Which is why they dominate in violent sports. Are dominating/controlling mates (with consequently abysmal divorce rates if they even get married, and the rest of the time are single), and are bullies in school. This has led to white flight from public schools.

"Male dominance status is not a simple function of aggressiveness, but acquisition and maintenance of high dominance rank often involves frequent aggression, and testosterone has been considered the quintessential physiological moderator of such behavior. Testosterone can alter both neurological and musculoskeletal functions."

High testosterone is said to supposedly stunt bone growth, grow big muscles, strengthen bones and lower IQ. . .that is presuming we would without these "imbalences" all be the same. Only problem is, in Africa they are all short, stocky, have strong bones and a low IQ when pure. They also have dark skin. . .that is a little more then a correlation. Perhaps the causation of the high testosterone and the genes for those things are just naturally found in all pure blacks. . .as they are all things we see in the chimp-like, riotous ghetto blacks. (Starting very young, and with both sexes.)

It should come as no shock then that the blacks, in the time frame of their highest spike of testosterone, are committing 52% of the murders, though not even 13% of the population. 
 90% of blacks are murdered by other blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black. Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than vice versa”.

Then there are rape stats. . .as seen here. Gang rape stats are an even higher gap, as it is not even on the charts to see a gang rape by whites, against any race! While it is common for the blacks to gang rape white girls.

Other abuse from blacks it towards their own kids!
This is a stereotype, but the many videos on Youtube that compare the parenting styles of blacks vs. whites  (from the perspective of blacks!) make it pretty obvious, that there is no denying it, black "culture" (or more like their genes) makes for aggressive and abusive parenting styles. In fact, in defending marks left on a child of an NBA players kid from whipping, a fellow black stated that "Every Black parent in the South whips their kids." (The smart mixed ones leave the South.) This may not be true in middle class families, but when around the typical poor black mothers, I frequently hear threatening of whooping or beatings. Apparently though, they think beating their kids is natural, as it is also what the African and primate "cultures" do. And let me tell you, if I had to deal with their brats, I would be beating them too!! Black kids from the hood have no respect and are as dumb as a brick.

This aggression (as seen by the high levels of testosterone), is in both the male and to a lesser extent the female blacks (as well as others with color as the Hispanics). Don't think blacks don't see the differences in the races, they do, but they always seem to notice it in the opposite sex. Few own up to what their sex does, as that would implicate them, and that would take humility. . .something testosterone suppresses you might say.

For instance, the black males in mass claim the black females are the problem with America, and will often not date black woman for reasons due to testosterone. Saying the cause of their repulsiveness to the black men is:
  • because of their attitudes
  • because they shift their own blame to the black men
  • because they don't listen
  • because they have too many babies out of wedlock (73% of black babies are born out of wedlock) too much passion
  • because they're too manly, side effect of testosterone
  • are too materialistic, attempting to gain status of a white woman they overspend and shop too much.
  • and self hate. Black men notice that they will dress above their status, use creams, straighteners, and even get nose jobs to look white.
It's all over Youtube, as well as the internet and TV! 

While the black woman, who are even educated, are scrambling for a black mate (70% of marrying age being single) because of the truth of these statements. Instead of owning to their issues though the black woman will complain that the black guys are mostly in jail, while others say they "don't need no man." 

Arrogance, aggression, dominance. . .that is typical of high testosterone, low intelligence and the black genes, which are genetically closest to the chimps. It is thus inevitable that when challenged, a black man or woman who feels insecure in their status (likely most of them) would seek to dominate a perceived to be easier, less aggressive, target then their own high testosterone race. . .Whites. 
This need to dominate by the blacks has always brought on one of two things in history or now, fight or flight. The classic is white flight, less classic is an honor cultureYou either adapt your behavior to the violence around you and survive, or you run away like a coward and show them who is the boss. (Them.)

As a side note, interestingly, the term "gentleman" (from Latin gentilis, means belonging to a race or gens, and man, so putting it together = "belonging to a race of man".  The word equates with the French gentilhomme ("nobleman"). It was a term used to describe a well educated man, from a good family line, who didn't need to work hard, if at all. Generally a white man.

Testosterone is more likely, at least in times of conflict, to be temporarily higher in those who are from the South. The rednecks of the South being much more likely to "chimp out" on you, then the Northeners. Which may be why they are said to be an "honor culture", and not as likely to be a "gentle" man even though they were white.

To this day in the South men are more untrusting and ready to fight for their race, families or honor.
Not surprisingly in darker and poorer places white woman prefer more high testosterone or aggressive features in their white men, while in whiter and more civilized places the woman select for less aggression and testosterone. 

This is because they theorize that survival depends on being aggressive when living in dark and poor cultures. 
Whites who don't stand up for themselves are literally headed for extinction according to the stats.

Woman all prefer (according to the studies of high testosterone features in whites above) some testosterone, as they see a man willing to fight (instead of just run) as one who will be able to keep her safe from attacks and rapes. (Most of which come from being around the blacks.)

So whites will either have to adapt and defend themselves as the minority population becomes a majority in the next generation (Examples of this fighting back today are found mostly in the South, check out modern examples for your entertainment here.), succumb to their woman being raped as shown above, their things being stolen, being forced to run away (white flight) or get depressed (and sometimes commit suicide) when they find out they can't make peace with and live by the golden rule with some people. 

So, as would be expected of a victim, not perpetrator of the violence:

"individuals (particularly Whites) living in honor states (those with many dark people) are at an especially high risk for committing suicide."More on the differences between the cultures of the peaceloving Northerners, and the fighting Southerners here.

For more on the genetic component to violence, as well as a discussion on honor cultures, check out this video. 

This quick temper of the Southerners could be also in part due to their black genes, as the vast majority of those who are passing as white (yet have black genes), are found in the South. Rednecks I'm guessing.

Apparently the rednecks admit they don't put up with troublesome ghetto blacks, claiming to whoop them easily. Saying they are all bark and no bite, as they are too stupid. Or so the forums strongly hint at.

Being part black, rednecks are genetically predisposed to act more like them in their stupidity and violence, but it may also be the proximity to the blacks, as environment and "culture" does corrupt.

Although, according to the above research,
"Laboratory research has demonstrated that men in honor cultures perceive interpersonal threats more readily than do men in other cultures, including increases in. . . testosterone levels following insults."
Maybe experience in living near blacks in the South has allowed some men to stay alive by being more aggressive. . .If all men were wise, they would learn to be quicker to perceive an "interpersonal threats". It is a learned response out of self preservation to be part of an honor culture as a white man. The real violence is, and always has been from the chimp blooded, testosterone pumped, low IQ, black race. As they mix this may appear less true, but genetics all trace violence straight back to Africa. . .something abundantly clear when you leave them to themselves in the pure parts of Sub Sahara Africa. (Almost all of which are in constant civil war. The map below depicting constant war from the time of independence from the whites. The red being constant, yellow only sporadic.)
African nations which have had intra-national conflict since Indepence. Red represents ongoing hostilites. Yellow represents past hostilites.

The most violence is from Sub Sahara Africa, those who have no Neanderthal in them, while having the rare Duffy blood. They are genetically so far from the whites they should be called a different species. In fact, I have linked the genes of the blacks and whites back to homo erectus DNA and Neanderthal DNA, and connecting the evidence with the ancient texts, I have made a pretty solid theory as to the origin of everyone from a few different species. Only one created by "God" though I hate to say. Check out more on that in my posts:Here and here.

Whatever the case, it should be clear now that violence and aggression is based in the blacks nature, not nurture. . .and peaceful blacks, who have a high IQ, are simply mixed blacks. Color is a poor indicator sadly, but the high testosterone features are more accurate, like low IQ, equated with poverty, as they likely can't get or keep a job. Think short and strong. Watch for dark young gangs, as the stupid violent males often travel together. (The peaceful ones, with obviously low testosterone and high IQ prefer to hang out with educated whites, and are generally more "racist" then the whites are against stupid and violent blacks.) 

Stay safe. 


1 comentario:

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