sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

When did the brainwashing begin?

 We’re familiar with the saying that you can win a battle but lose a war. What about the idea that you can win a war, but lose your own society?
America in 1941 reprised its role from its own Civil War: mobilize the masses and industry and use that power to crush your enemies. To mobilize those masses however, you need a powerful individualistic reason that goes back to the French Revolution of 1789, like class resentment. “If one is not free, none of us are free!”

People being in their unrefined form — before mental and spiritual discipline kicks in — little more than monkeys, they respond impulsively and compulsively to open-ended symbols like freedom, empathy, justice and peace without even knowing what those would look like in application. It just feels good and they are afraid not to support the idea.
The age of mass warfare made it clear that he with the most troops would win, but even more, that he with the most equipment would win. German Panzers were carefully built and crewed while American and Russian tanks were driven by crazed weekenders, with about the results you would expect — at least six losses for each one German loss. But the Allies prevailed by having more men and equipment in the battle zone, and essentially practicing the military equivalent of spamming the Germans into retreat.
This reprised American tactics in the Civil War, where the Union forces massed factory workers with mass-produced and possibly inferior weapons, and sent them up against the sharpshooters of the South. But even a sniper cannot make up for being outnumbered ten to one, especially in materiel. The South had trouble getting enough uniforms; the North had too many and went looking for people to fill them.
It was the mass mobilization at a psychological level that did the former Allies in, however. To justify their war on the South, they needed to appeal to democracy — none are “free” until all are “free” — and so they mobilized the resentful workers of the factories. In the second World War, the Allies mobilized the unemployed and bitter from the Great Depression and made them into somebodies by giving them uniforms. It was a wave of bodies crushing dissent.
In turn, that programming spread throughout society itself and, because it empowered the resentful and otherwise failed and gave them purpose, it took on a life of its own. Now it continues to spread, as a zombie ideology, because people have learned that supporting this ideology gets them brownie points with government and other clueless people, just like it did during WWII. Without purpose and without unity, our society churns onward like a driverless machine heading toward the sunset…

(Source: amerika.org)

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