jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

Karl Marx: Racist Supremacist, Enemy of Humanity & Hypocrite

arl Marx, champion of today’s progressives from Beijing to Hollywood, was a card carrying bigot and racist. And not just by today’s standards, mind you, but by those of his contemporaries as well.
Racist Marx wrote:
“The Negro has strength & power to labour, but the Nature which created the power denied to him either the intellect to govern, or willingness to work.”
“Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it.”
And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg!
Marx actually used the word ‘nigger’ on dozens of occasions in his writings, letters and diary - all which we will go into later.
This is due to his dealings with his Jewish slave trading uncle; and in spite of the fact the term is not even found in his native German vernacular! His contempt & sheer disrespect for blacks ran that deep.
He also has some shocking views on Slavs, Indians, and the Irish, that neo-Marxist dupes and their liberal enablers conveniently ignore. 

Karl Marx: Racist Jewish Supremacist, Enemy of Humanity & Hypocrite
I laugh myself silly when self-hating white liberal champions of the oppressed, anti-fascists and their black dupes, claim they’re “Marxists”.
Why? Simply put, Karl Marx, the father of Marxist theory and avowed Zionist supremacist was an outright racist.
Yes, you read that correctly –Karl Marx, champion of today’s progressives from Beijing to Hollywood was a card carrying bigot. And not just by today’s standards, mind you, but by those of his liberal contemporaries as well.
Unlike today’s anti-white liberal establishment, 19th century progressives actually championed issues impacting the underclass and fought for the betterment of society.
Some battled the injustice of child labour, & other domestic barbarities that arose as a direct result of mass industrialisation-an industrialisation, the materialist Marx, believed necessary for societal progress. Others fought against colonialism and imperialism, the subjugation of foreign peoples, against the slave trade and in the Americas’, slave ownership. Marx on the other hand fought against none of these things. In fact he supported colonialism, espousing the idea that non-whites benefited from “capitalist exploitation”. He believed India in particular had gained from British colonization.
Marx, akin to the sort of folks that organize Slut Walks and Occupy Wall Street protests, started his career in activism as nothing more than a rabble rousing subversive and pseudo-intellectual anarchist. His goal? The destruction of western civilization, via a violent overthrow of the natural order where his ilk would rule society from the top down. The underclass was a means to a demented end. ‘Savages’ like blacks and third world peoples were inconsequential.
Anyone that’s read the entire catalogue of Marx’s ridiculous writings can attest to the man’s arrogance, disdain for Western civilization and general contempt for humanity.
And the contempt he harboured for humanity, and explicitly expressed in his writings, was not only reserved for Western Civilization, cultural Christianity and people of Western European origin; but the sort of folks Marxists claim they’re fighting for today-blacks, Mexicans, East Indians, Central Asians, Orientals, and Slavs. Anyone that’s read the man’s work knows how little love Marx had for folks inhabiting the lands east of the Oder and beyond the pale of Western Civilization. The indigenous people inhabiting the New World were ‘lazy’ and to be ‘dealt with swiftly. Slavs were to be ‘exterminated’, ‘Oriental savages’ handled ‘by the might of the sword’, Indian society needed to be totally “annihilated’ and its ‘filthy pagan idols’ destroyed. Blacks, were lesser men that by ‘nature’ had ‘neither the intellect to govern, or willingness to work’ required for their own progress.
Marx’s writings also show an unabashed support of slavery (note-although Marx flip-flopped on the issue of slavery when it suited him, Marx was Pro-slavery up until it served his interest to rethink his position), admiration for European and American imperialism and general disdain for people from the third world. For all intents and purposes, Marx looked down upon pretty much everyone today’s Marxists have come to represent. Like ALL Zionist supremacists, Marx’s contempt for humanity transcended race. “Like Donald ‘ ‘ Sterling, Marx’s Talmudic weltannschaung dictated how he viewed the Gentile world.
While I typically avoid applying modern sensibilities to historical figures raised during different historical periods, in this case I think it’s necessary. After all, why should the left be the only folks allowed to play the race card?
Whenever I attempt to address the pragmatic brilliance of German National Socialism and the undeniable work the Reich accomplished for a spiritually, economically and politically ravaged post-Versailles Germany, the Adolf Hitler led Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NDSAP) government’s so-called racism is thrown in my face. The fact that the NSDAP created 6 million jobs between 1933 & 1939-in turn restoring the will of the German people, implemented pension, healthcare and social benefits schemes that took care of every last German citizen regardless of class, passed the first set of legislation safeguarding animal welfare the world has ever seen, is irrelevant in the eyes of the left, as Hitler was a racist and hated Jews. The fact that at one point there were 100,000 Jews, and by 1943, a greater number of non-white people in Hitler’s armies than there were Germans, is seemingly irrelevant! Like his pragmatic motivation for designating Germany’s Jewry, enemies of the state, his actual racial ambivalence, pragmatism and epic achievements, are completely ignored.
Still I press on. What about the Kraft durch Freude, which literally means ‘strength through joy’? Can you imagine our government sending us on annual holidays? Or the introduction of public work schemes via the German National Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst) and subsequent construction of Germany’s legendary autobahn,  replanting of their nation’s forests, creation of firms like Volkswagen, and their unmatched ability to bring a nation’s people together for national common good? Again I’m met with something about Nazi racism and shown the proverbial Holocaust card. Hitler was a racist and the Germans made lampshades out of everyone that wasn’t
blonde-haired and blue-eyed, I’m told.
The fact that by 1943 almost ¾ of all SS soldiers (the supposedly pure Aryan fighting machine) were in fact non German- a large percentage of those coming from the Arab and Asian world, is another inconvenient truth the Zio-media and their Marxist historians have chosen to omit from the annals of history and popular opinion
The fact that Hitler is still revered in the Arab world, Hindu India, across Asia, in parts of Western and Eastern Europe, the Americas and North Africa-is also dismissed. Although the term Nazi is the dirtiest of words in the west (it was actually a pejorative coined by German Jewish Marxist subversives during the 1930’s), it means little
to 95% of the globe. Adolf Hitler is still seen as a statesman, leader, orator, and human being-hardly the demonic force our Zionist rulers have conned us into believing. In Thailand Hitler is still seen as an anti-Communist hero of the people-images of his person still adorn public places. His policies, oratory techniques, strategies and writings are required reading at top Asian universities from Thailand to Singapore. (For more info please see our exclusive on Israel’s Attack on Thailand’s Freedoms) The fact imperialist Americans, Brits, French and their Zionist owners call the man evil and a racist, rings hollow to the vast majority of the globe’s population. After all, who has been more historically racist than the true Axis of Evil/allies during the second World War-but international Jewry (now, Israel), US, Russia and sadly Great Britain! A decimated Eastern Europe is still paying a massive price for their unholy alliance.
And while I concede Adolf Hitler did hold a peculiar perspective on race-one that I personally do NOT entirely prescribe to, who didn’t back in 1935? American Margaret Sanger, the founder of every liberal’s favourite corporation, Planned Parenthood, spoke at Ku Klux Klan rallies, referred to black Americans as ‘human weeds requiring extermination’, and openly pushed abortion on black, and poor white communities in an attempt to ‘purge undesirables from the American population’. Eugenics was practiced EVERYWHERE, race was not seen as a social construct and people were honest with their opinions.
Black American Olympian, Jesse Owens, wearing hand crafted German ADIDAS running shoes during the 1936 Berlin games, was generally made to feel like royalty while competing AGAINST the German national team. He was forced to ride the freight elevator to his own parade, upon returning home to the States. At this point in time there were blacks in European zoos, race was still seen in scientific terms and European males were still afforded respect and decency in their own countries. Imagine that!
Times were quite different and anyone with half a brain will agree that applying modern sensibilities to periods past is foolish. Still, Hitler was mean to Jews, a naughty racist, the sole reason for Steven Spielberg’s existence and that was that. Bad = Nazis, zombies and anyone else that’s accompanied by scary music in Hollywood films. Disagree, and you’re targeted for a drone strike. However, since applying contemporary sensibilities to historical figures is appropriate in the case of Adolf Hitler, why can’t the same hold true for Karl Mordecai Levi Marx?
The rest of this article, the first in an EKP series on the true motivation behind Marxism and its undeniablelink to Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, will cover Karl Marx’s contempt for humanity and overt RACISM.
Karl Mordecai Levy Marx: the Racist
First let’s look at Marx’s position on the United States’ enslavement of Sub-Saharan Africans. While most Europeans, Christians, and the vast majority of White Americans opposed slavery by the mid-nineteenth century (remember but .001% of America’s population have ancestors that owned slaves), Karl Marx and his Zionist Commie colleagues espoused its benefits. Marxists like Marx, Engels, and Lassalle were hardly the idealists they’re purported as being today, but rather a group of opportunistic parasites preying on the gullibility of the underclass-excuse me, white underclass. You know the folks contemporary Marxists claim have privilege?
Like the capitalists they hoped to supplant, Marxists were driven by greed. However unlike their capitalist counterparts, they were driven by hatred -hatred of our society and European tradition. The sociopathic disgust they harboured in their hearts for their European hosts and societies they leeched off of, drove them to the feverish cruelty we witnessed during the Bolshevik Revolution. They possessed a lust for power, 19th century capitalists and European societal elite couldn’t touch. Hatred of western gentile civilisation, bloodlust, greed and a whole bunch of tribal loyalty are what made Marxism (Zionism now takes that honour) the world’s most venomous and destructive political ideology of its time. To omit its origins from the political record is shameful and dangerous. History after all is a teaching tool.
On Slavery
Fact: Karl Marx saw enslaved black Africans as an economic necessity-nothing more, nothing less. As economic productivity trumped individual rights in Marxist theory, rights slaves may or not have had; Negro slaves, not to be confused with the white labourers and underclass of human beings (proletariat) Marx and his cabalist comrades focused their con game on, were of no consequence. That they picked their master’s cotton and increased productivity was all that mattered.
After all, black inferiority, or natural bondage as he referred to it had been “assigned (to Negroes) by Nature. The Negro has strength and power to labour, but the Nature which created the power denied to him either the intellect to govern, or willingness to work.”
The positive aspects of that quote sound eerily similar to what got Jimmy the Greek fired by CBS for, no?
This supports the notion that Marx was a massive fan of phrenology-racialist scientific method relying on skull shape and size to explain differences in intelligence, artistic ability and personality. According to phrenologists, “the negroid shaped head meant that without interbreeding with higher subspecies, they were destined for a life of spear throwing and coconut picking”. Phrenologists, like Marx, believed that merely looking at the shape of a mans head and mouth, one could predict IQ and societal productivity. Odd, todays Marxists scream bloody murder the moment one even insinuates that race is anything more than a social construct. Folks that believe in actual science are condemned, and a man like Marx, who believed in friggin’ Phrenology, is idolized!
Marx’s belief in phrenology most likely helped him justify his racism towards non white people. Like capitalism, Marxism and its founders were interested solely in the bottom line. Neither Capitalist nor Marxist is concerned with ethics or morality, allegiance to one’s nation, or concern for one’s fellow man. Marx’s position on slavery illustrates this fact perfectly. Although Marx might have been on point regarding slavery, how many self-proclaimed 21st century Marxists would concur? Even know their hero viewed blacks in the identical manner evil white southern plantation owners did?
In a letter to fellow Jewish Socialist, Pavel Annekov, Karl Marx wrote ‘As for slavery, there is no need for me to speak of its bad aspects. The only thing requiring explanation is the good side of slavery. I do not mean indirect slavery, the slavery of proletariat (poor); I mean direct slavery, the slavery of the Blacks in Surinam, in Brazil, in the southern regions of North America. Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery which has given value to the [European] colonies, it is the colonies which have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry. Consequently, prior to the slave trade, the colonies sent very few products to the Old World, and did not noticeably change the face of the world. Slavery is therefore an economic category of paramount importance. Without slavery, North America, the most progressive nation, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Only wipe North America off the map and you will get anarchy, the complete decay of trade and modern civilisation. But to do away with slavery would be to wipe America off the map. Being an economic category, slavery has existed in all nations since the beginning of the world. All that modern nations have achieved is to disguise slavery at home and import it openly into the New World.” Even Engels thought as much/

The Face of Marxist Progressivism in all its Glory
Flying in the face of the neo-liberal belief that the inhumanity of being a slave and not being paid a wage for a day’s work, was incompatible with the abject misery white indentured labourers suffered at the hands of their slave masters Marx wrote (watch 12 Years a Slave), “The nigger slave endures none of the hardship the proletariat do. They are chattel of the capitalist and as such their wellbeing is treated with vastly more care as their value is maintained in their ability to work. Whereas the white-skinned labourer is replaceable at no cost to his employer, a slave as property, is not.” Marx added that “It is the highest prerogative of the white-skinned labourer to sell himself and choose his own master.”
In other words, as property of the white man, Marx believes that Negro slaves were in fact treated better than their white counterparts, who in Marx’s opinion were the true victims of the Southern capitalist. This certainly flies in the face of the accepted liberal belief that slaves were at the bottom of the proverbial totem pole in American Southern Plantocratic society. It also mangles the Neo-liberal argument that blacks continue to fall flat on their face in modern society because of the manner in which they were brought to our nations and treated upon, and since, their arrival. That blacks were sold into forced labour, where they were whipped and dehumanized, commoditised like cattle, is used as an excuse for black’s continued abject failures in contemporary society. As illogical as this sounds, this is the sort of bile bandied about at Marxist controlled American universities when one introduces the idea of black accountability. When one argues that white indentured labourers found themselves in equally miserable circumstances, the liberal argues that the unique inhumanity of being a slave, is the key to continued black failure, and something which the white servant or his ancestors cannot comprehend. Well, it seems old Marx disagrees. Seems whites had it as bad, if not worse than their black counterparts due to the fact they were valueless in the eyes of the plantocracy.
So, where are all the films about the oppressed indentured servant? I’ve seen 12 Years a Slave. Where’s 10 Years an Indentured Servant? My guess Ziowood won’t be pumping out titles depicting the brutality immigrants, from Ireland to China, experienced upon coming to the US anytime soon. It wouldn’t fit their narrative.
And what’s with the term ‘nigger’? The vile racist Jews I grew up around still derogatorily refer to blacks with the Yiddish term, Schwarzer, but Marx, pulls out the old ‘n word’ -not to be confused with nigga of course, when referencing them. This in spite of the fact that ‘nigger’ didn’t exist in the German vernacular.
Odd, no?
So I compared the translations I found online to Marx’s original writings in German and the only word that actually corresponds to the English translation is the word ‘nigger’, not to be confused for the German word ‘neger’. Although the term ‘nigger’, a uniquely American epithet was not part of the German vernacular, Herr Moishe Marx found the time and place to use it in his writings.
The fact he chose this particular pejorative speaks volumes, not only about his character, but weltenschaunng-in other words, how the beast saw the world. Marx’s musings on the positive aspects of slavery, use of the word ‘nigger’, along with his deep admiration of the United States and justification for her exploitative economic practices, should tell you something about the man’s views
I wonder if Obongo knows? The fact that chairman Mao, a man responsible for the deaths of some 200 million souls, still found his way onto a Christmas bauble adorning the White House Christmas tree, tells me Obama and his ilk don’t give a rat’s a$.
Very few people are aware just how fond of the US Marx actually was, and how strong his ties to Wall Street‘s and Brooklyn’s Jewish communities were. Karl Marx worked for a large New York City newspaper as a journalist for a time, as well as gave lectures across NY and the American northeast. Marx also had deep ties to the Rothschild family and other major Jewish American banks on Wall Street, which at the time were run by Jewish families from his native Germany. We’ll cover this connection in a later story.
Bottom line: Marx admired the American system of capitalism and mass industrialization of the western world, which he claimed were ‘necessary steps on the road to Marxist hegemony’.
He was also a proponent of slavery. Blacks, with no human value in Marx’s eyes, were little more than an economic commodity -their enslavement necessary for ‘world and economic progress’. As Marx had no inkling one day his movement would champion the rights of minorities, he never minced words when it came to non-whites. He viewed blacks in the same manner most racist industrialists did- as chattel to be exploited. While most decent people were questioning the moral legitimacy of slavery by the mid 19th century, Marx was not. He thought so little of blacks he adopted the American pejorative nigger, utilizing it in his writings on dozens of occasions. Not only when discussing black folks, and the advantages of slavery, but while describing his rivals.
On "Der Jüdische Nigger Lassalle"
Like most conmen, Marx had rivals. One of those rivals was a fellow Champagne Socialist and Jew named Ferdinand Lassalle. In a July 1862 letter to Engels, of Lassalle, Marx wrote, “. . . it is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a nigger. (Note when discussing his racial phenotype Marx uses the term Negro but when getting personal, breaks out the n-word) Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also nigger-like. The Jew Nigger Lassalle, who fortunately leaves at the end of the week, has drunkenly/happily again lost 5,000 Thaler in a fraudulent speculation.” Or in the original German, “Der Jüdischer Nigger Lassalle, der glücklicherweise Ende dieser Woche abreist, hat glucklich wieder 5000 Thaler…”
Seems Marx and co didn’t want their comrade spending so much dosh on boozing and get rich schemes. What better way to denigrate him, than by calling him a ‘nigger’!
And Freddy Engels, Marx’s comrade in crime, shared much of his racist beliefs.
In 1887, Paul Lafargue, Marx’s son-in-law, ran as a candidate for a local Parisian council seat in a district that contained a zoo. Engels wrote, “Being in his quality as a nigger, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district.” In another letter Engels stated that Paul had “one eighth or one twelfth nigger blood” & “acted accordingly to his race.”
Wow, that’s a whole lot of n-words! Barack. Anything thoughts?
Oddly, I’ve read reams of Reich documents and have yet to come across a single ‘Nigger’. In fact blacks were treated quite well under the Reich, and before that in Imperial Germany. I don’t want to pen too much on this subject here, as it’s a bit off topic & I”ll be covering it & other myths in my “Dispelling Jewish Lies Series” later this month, but fact remains, dozens of accomplished black & mulatto American intellectuals, studying in Germany during the rise of the Reich, admired German National Socialism, while detesting the economic system Marx promoted.
While studying at the University of Berlin, WEB Du Bois -black hero of the American left, and co-founder of the NAACP wrote:
“As a student in Germany I dreamed and loved in castles, wandered and sang. Then after two long years I dropped suddenly into Nigger-hating America where I was once again seen as a slave.” The manner in which Marx saw blacks.
Twenty-three years later while debating whether he should support Germany or the United States in the Great War. Dubois wrote, “I was seeing the Germany, which taught me the brotherhood of all men pitted against America, which for me was the essence of Jim Crow.”
I am not in any way shape or form supporting the anti-American sentiment of W.E.B Du Bois, simply utilizing his words to illustrate a point.
In 1960, Du Bois explained to William Ingersoll of the Columbia University Oral History Project that living in “Germany was an extraordinary experience. One in which he “began to believe white people were human.” He changed that to “European whites”, later in the interview. Although he vacillated often in his ninety-five years on earth, his love for Germany and Europe never wavered. In his magnus opus, The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois maintained that he was victimized by racial hatred throughout his adult life with the exception of his experiences in Europe and his beloved Germany.
As I said earlier, I’m not criticizing American whites-just illustrating a point hidden by the Zionist controlled anti-European American media. Germanic tolerance of middle class black students can also be attributed to the fact that Germans had not had the unique experience of living alongside descendants of negro slaves for several hundred years, as Americans had. Early 20th century black intellectuals have little in common with the destructive black underclass terrorizing the American landscape. Still, Du Bois’ words are quite telling and say a whole lot more about the racial dynamic in Nazi Germany, than some asinine Steven Spielberg propaganda piece. As I said, I will be covering this topic later on this summer.
So when some deluded black or arrogant shit for brained leftist hipster tells you they’re anti-fascists, and worse still, Marxists, introduce them to their beloved’s true opinion of minorities. Explain to them that when Marx called for a violent revolution from within the “oppressed ranks of Europe and America’s proletariat” he was not beckoning people of African origin, women or Mexicans, rather oppressed white males-the same ones with so-called privilege today. That Marx had about as much respect for these folks as many of you do. I wonder if morons like Barack and Michele, Eric Holder and Nelson Mandela were aware of this when they first embraced Marx as their ideological hero. If they’d read the same texts I have. Based on Michele’s SAT scores, she’d need to learn how to read first I suppose. (We’ll be releasing Michele’s SAT scores next week) I’m not sure if there’s Hooked on Phonics version of Marx’s letters to Engels and his musings on Mexicans.
Slavs, Hindus, Mexicans & False Flag Anti-Semitism (They were at it back then as well)
Marx’s contempt for minorities doesn’t end there. His contempt for the Indo Aryan religions of the East is just as venomous. Marx wrote that ‘England has to fulfill a double mission in India: one destructive, the other regenerating – the annihilation of old Asiatic society and its religion, and the laying of material foundations of Western society in Asia… When a great social revolution shall have mastered the results of the bourgeois epoch… and subjected them to the common control of the most advanced peoples, then only will human progress cease to resemble that hideous, pagan idol, who would not drink the nectar but from the skulls of the slain.’ What a lovely image of emancipated Indians drinking blood from the decapitated skulls of their elite! And why did Marx support the subjugation of third world peoples? Progress. Supposedly they had to break free from feudal conditions by first being subjugated by capitalism. Seems capitalism is useful in breaking down third peoples unprepared for the marvels of communism. There goes the “I’m anti-Imperialism therefore I’m a Marxist” nonsense I hear from liberal uni students I meet on my travels.
And Mexicans? Believe it or not both Marx and co-author of the Communist Manifesto had time to chime in on the beaners as well. Remember, they bastards spent a great deal of their lives in the US and were quite open about their support for American hegemony of the New World. Mexicans were just another valueless non-white obstacle.
Marx opined, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it? In America we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Some say that this quote is taken out of context, in an attempt to deliberately slander Marx’s name. Well, here are Marx’s thoughts on the war between Texas and Mexico in its entirety.
“How did it happen that over Texas a war broke out between these two republics which, according to the moral theory, ought to have been fraternally united and federated, and that, owing to geographical, commercial and strategical necessities, the sovereign will of the American people, supported by the bravery of the American volunteers, shifted the boundaries drawn by nature some hundreds of miles south? Will critics accuse the Americans of a “war of conquest”, which although it deals with a severe blow to the theory based on justice and humanity, was nevertheless waged wholly and solely in the interest of civilization. Or is it perhaps unfortunate that splendid California has been taken away from the lazy Mexicans, who could not do anything productive with it. That the energetic Yankees by rapid exploitation of the California gold mines will..open up communications by steam ship, contruct a railway from NY to San Francisco, and for the first time open the Pacific to real civilization…The independence of a few Spanish Californians and Texans may suffer, and in some places “justice” and moral principles may be violated, but what does it matter to such facts of world history-significance?”
Ooh, wasn’t that progressive! All that love made me cozy-sarcasm. Engels view on the Mexican affair was equally as heart warming.
Engels wrote in a letter to comrade Marx, “In America we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and REJOICED at it…It is the interest to its own development and western profit.”
The liberal plantation is full of useful idiots to exploit. Marx had nothing but contempt for Negroes, Asians, Slavs and other non-westerners. Whether utilisation of the term ‘nigger’, calling Asians savages or (get this) calling for German expansion into the East and extermination of Slavic peoples (Remember supposed Slavic mistreatment of Jews really pissed Marx off), Marx was an equal opportunity hater
.And Marx’s evil desires and bloodlust came to pass in the lands east of the Oder. His contempt for humanity and gentile Slavs in particular, can be seen in the actions of his cabalist henchmen in the former Soviet Union. The burning of churches, killing of religious leaders, starving of Ukrainians, not to mention the extermination of almost 50% of the Islamic population of Kazakhstan, albeit while curiously sparing synagogues across eastern Europe, was Marxist modus operandi.
The one people Marx had nary a negative word for? You guessed it. Please see our piece on Marx’s Jewish Supremacist beliefs-more insight you won’t find anywhere else on the web.
Bottom line: Liberals tell you it’s unfair to judge their heroes –folks like Karl Marx and Marge Sanger, using today’s sensibilities. Marx would have had a change of heart about blacks, homosexuals and other so called victim groups if he were alive today, we’re told. Well, maybe Hitler’s policies would’ve been more inclusive as well. Fact remains, the Karl Mordecai Levy Marx was a racist! Please share your thoughts with us in the new comments section directly below this article.

(Source: europeanknightsproject.com)

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