sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

The Psychology Of Being An Inferior Race

This is a simple, introductory scientific article for those people who are of high enough quality to notice that humanity is unequal, and that the world would be better, if the majority of the world’s populace today was non-existent.
This article shows Politics, Morality and Values, to be merely the eternal battle between Human and Subhuman; human with ideas of uniqueness and subhuman with the complaining of equality. All ideas from sub humans and people who are different from you can be disregarded; their complaints against you can be put down to admissions of inferiority.
This article presents exactly why different people disagree with each other and why you can never ever coexist with people who are not like you. The earliest racial origins and their polar opposites, the primal Nordic Race and the subhuman Jew and their interactions throughout history are shown to be responsible for politics and values today, to produce a case for racial separation, for the sake of the superior race.

In the last few hundred years, two completely opposing views have come to a head. Master and Slave Morality. These two opposing moral valuations and subsequent political systems arising out of them have forever sprung from two starkly opposing races. These polar moral valuations are responsible for all variety in the political spectrum.
These two races at their absolute origin are the Nordic Race propounding Master Morality, and the Jews who have forever propounded Slave Morality. The Jewish Slave Morality re-evaluates everything Nordic Master Morality Values. While Master Morality has discerned what is good for a particular group, Slave Morality re-evaluates this into how it affects others.
The Jewish Slave Morality has recently in the last two centuries given birth to the Political Ideology of Marxism, which is merely an expression of the inferior’s contempt for the superior, embodied in Slave Morality.
The entire spectrum of politics, the entire spectrum of ideology, is nothing more but the conflict between these two contrary primal moral valuations.
These polar moral valuations can and must be seen from a biological point of view, the battle between superior and inferior, the battle between race and race, species and species. Today, since the great Biological & Eugenical movements of the 19th and early 20thcenturies, and National Socialist government in Germany biological knowledge for us supersedes politics. Genetic drives of inferior people doing things to increase their competitiveness, in the war for speciation (who will be the humanity of the future), is the explanation for everything in politics that is left of the ‘far right wing’. Politics is an illusion, that covers up the war between races.
This is why people’s that think differently, must be separate. It is only in the superior’s will to do so, against a levelling force (democratic politics).
A realisation of the absolute origin of all variety of thought, whether it be in the Nordic Race or the Jewish Race, will end all argument between competing belief systems.
Nordicism, and the belief in inherent Nordic racial superiority of the Nordic group, and the consequent will for racial separation is innate to surviving members of the Nordic Race, who the Jews have decimated. All other Peoples find this offensive.
The Nordic Master Morality has been present in the Nordic Race right through its history, from Paleo hunter gatherers, in the spread of the pre Germanic Nordic tribes, the settling down of the Nordic Race into farmsteaders and the spread of the Germanic Tribes. Master morality is particularly famously embodied strongly in popular conceptions of the Viking ages, it is embodied in particular in the German Nation and then pushed by the opposing forces of the Jews to give rise to National Socialism, the natural self-aware exclusive Germanic self-government, and the most hated political system by Jews and inferiors. For example instead of the euthanisation of the heredity ill, something we have done since the beginning being inherently a good thing under Master Morality because of the final consequence, it becomes bad under Slave Morality because we all have to look at it from the ill persons perspective. Instead of the physical removal of the Jews being a good thing for the Germanic Race, it becomes a bad thing because people are being treated ‘unequally’. Master Morality is also the fundament of Aristocratic Principals, which exist to this day in wanting to be separate from ones lessers, to preserve uniqueness that only the Aristocrat is able to see.
Master Morality can be thought of in terms of strength and Slave Morality in terms ofweaknessStrong People hate Weak People and Weak People hate Strong People. Each sees each other as irreconcilably immoral and worthy of death. Although it is only in the strongs interests to admit this, to which the weak can reply, accusations of evil.
It can also be thought of in terms of useful vs useless and superior vs inferior and in its biological essence highly evolved/highly specialised vs lowly evolved/base.  Both would like to see the death of the other, although it is only in the strongs interest to admit this. At extreme ends of the spectrum the Nordic Race represents strength and the Jews represent weakness.
This is the eternal conflict of human vs sub-human.

As long as there have been men on the earth, the struggle between man and the subhuman will be the historic rule; the Jewish-led struggle against the mankind, as far back as we can look, is part of  the natural course of life on our planet. One can be convinced with full certainty that this struggle for life and death is just as much a law of nature as is the struggle of an infection to corrupt a healthy body.”
Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler 1935
The Psychology Of Being An Inferior Race – The most profound chasm in so-called ‘humanity’.
Unbeknownst to the often unaware and naive superior race, the multitude of inferior subhuman hordes are working day and night to submerge your superior genes forever and predominate over the planet. The inferior and undeveloped wish to submerge the evolutionary life force.
Not all of those, who appear human are in fact so. Woe to him who forgets it! Every great creation, idea, and artistic expression on this planet were brought forth by real man. It was this true man that thought to invent and create.
– Der Untermensch, Nordland Verlag, 1942
The Mechanism works as follows:
The inferior, lowly developed races genes are dominant over the highly developed superior races genes. It is evident then that these inferior people have a psychology which enables them to breed out their genetic competition. They can absorb anything, so proclamations of superiority aren’t necessary as they are with the recessive superior race with the genes to preserve.
Instead he can just cry about ‘racism’, say he ‘doesn’t care about race’, and that ‘we are all equal’ or ‘all human’. This way he does not lose anything. This is innate and it is inbuilt. The psyche of the mongrel. He does not even have to say he hates his enemy. He can just complain he is not being treated with ‘equality’.
This can be seen in this week’s recent Adam Goodes scandal in Australia. It can be seen in anything the homosexualist movement ever says, and anything anyone propounding any form of ‘equality’ ever says.
They are not really tolerant; they just want to appear better than you because they are biologically inferior.
What the inferior really wants is to be able to live in a society with the superior in order to breed him out. He hates the most the idea of the superior race being on his own. This is why the inferior will almost always support ‘multiculturalism’, ‘pluralism’, ‘equal rights’, ‘free speech’. He can say ‘discrimination is wrong on all counts’, and that it is wrong to be prejudiced (meaning have an opinion) because he does not have to be. If he succeeds in living in a society with superior people for long enough he wins, he makes it, and he predominates.
This is where all this ‘compassion’ and all this ‘acceptance’ come from. The untermensch, the subhuman.
This is why the Jews want all Peoples to live under ‘one government’, with ‘equal rights’.

We do not tolerate the weak, the stupid, the unfit or the defective. We do not accept those not like us. We judge. This is seen as ‘evil’ for those who would be judged badly. These inferior people however still have a Will to Power, and still want to survive at all costs. This is why they refuse to leave or get out of the way. They will do absolutely all that they are allowed to do, and go where they are allowed. They will exterminate the superior through outbreeding as soon as they are able. They do not have to discriminate, or say one thing is better than another for their survival. It wouldn’t be in their interests. It is rather in their interests to do the opposite. To talk about ‘acceptance’ ‘humanity’ and ‘compassion’ and such things. Their true victory comes in their number of births, through being accepted.
But why would the superior be tolerant?
There is nothing really good about ‘tolerance’, ‘sensitivity’ or ‘diversity’, or ‘inclusion’. There are no benefits to tolerating things around you, having sensitivity to other people’s feelings, or including people for their sake. These values are just essentials for the inferior.
As an Aristocratic Principal, the others are for them to worry about. This goes against modern political principles that find their origin in the Jewish race such as ‘inclusion’ and ‘tolerance’ and ‘pluralism’, which is inherent in a democracy.
Who would suggest tolerance? Only an inferior bastard.
The superior instead would preach hatred, exclusion and segregation. These are the mark of the higher race. He knows the definition of ‘human’ does not go far enough.
If this simple outline makes sense to you, then continue to read this site. Read the other articles on nordicantisemite.com and read the great Eugenicists of the 19th and 20th Century. Men like Madison Grant & Hans F.K. Günther. Read the books of the real objective scientists that the Jews could not contradict because they are wrong, but because they are not nice. Read and learn from the great minds of the Nordic Race.
Commit yourself to the Nordic Cause that is as old as the Nordic Race itself. This is a war between  mankind’s true image and the forces of decay that will end mankind as a failed species.

(Source: nordicantisemite.com)

1 comentario:

  1. https://nationalvanguard.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/human_dignity_william_pierce-500x220.jpg

    Empirically, the exquisite transforms debris into something sublime and sublime in its elevated gaze, while the spiteful in its peripheral vision lowers everything to its low level. https://t.me/MichelleBolsonaroEuApoio/13316
