miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Race Differences in Hair Types

Even though all hair types feature the same three layers (cuticle, cortex and medulla) and they all contain keratin, hair changes according to different types of races. Ethnic factors will affect the shape and texture of your hair so it's always handy to know how to identify your specific hair type as it's fundamental in order to take care of it the best way possible.

Best Way to Determine Hair Type

Determining your specific hair type often isn't as straightforward as it might seem especially if you feel like it might be a combination of two or more types. Hair can be broadly divided into three categories according to race: Asian hair, Afro hair and Caucasian hair (European hair). This is definitely not a contest for which race has the best hair. However, all the different hair types have specific characteristics and we're going to have a look at them now.

race differences in hair types
PHOTO CREDIT: ExtraVital Fasion
