viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017

Multicultural Genocide Of White Protestant America 2

“A rabbi said that blacks were the children of Ham, cursed Black, doomed to be hewers of wood and drawers of water. That didn’t come out of the Bible, that came from a Talmudic interpretation that has spread all over the world so when people see Black people they look at you funny and you look at yourself that way. Cursed Black.”
Hitler On Christianity
Protestant means protesters against apostasy within Christ’s church who will constitute God’s remnant end time church…those who refuse the mark of the beast.
We have reached a place in church history where *Roman Catholics, reeling from lawsuits stemming from decades of latent homosexual priests abusing children – are now weeding out homosexuals from their clergy. On the other hand, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Anglican denominations are now welcoming homosexuals to their clergy in defiance of Scripture.

The uneducated are not paying attention because they are still caught up in their dark enemies hedonistic indoctrination.
Secular hedonism is a major weapon being used against us by many of our dark pagan and heathen enemies within their Zionist multicultural indoctrination agenda that has rendered many of our white protestant christian people here in the US incapable of being responsible for anything.
Actually, I don’t allow my leftist progressive liberal enemies redefine who I am or my nation through their ridiculous dark hedonistic multicultural subterfuge. Dark elitist pagan and heathen neoliberal dirtbags have hijacked white protestant christian America’s institutions and are the culprits behind the current progressive liberal redefining or subversion of our white protestant christian citizenry in their
efforts to multiculturally rob and transform our republic. I look at all truthful perspectives on the realities surrounding us and not just the Jewish or Islamic propaganda that’s currently being repetitiously spewed out by all major media sites. Elitist dark hedonistic multicultural theft, subterfuge, supplanting, subversion, treason, and genocide of white protestant christian America.
We have all had enough of the darkening of white protestant christian America = Multicultural Genocide. Domestic Terrorists…Treason! Only because we let the the crimes against us go unpunished.
Political Correctness: mental disorder, childish fad or advance of human civilization? The myth of church and state…
The current invasion of Europe by “refugees” from the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia is engineered and enabled by politicians (with the exception of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban), without the support of Europe’s peoples. That raises the obvious question: Why are European politicians promoting what Buchanan, Orban and any person (whose mind hasn’t been turned into mush by PC propaganda) so clearly see — the systematic destruction, via demographics, of European civilization and its people?
Executive immigrantOrder...and112014web
As always…white christian America is self-eradicating from inaction against multicultural treason. Not anymore likely than me being in your so-called catholic club as a white protestant American. Didn’t work out well for us during the reformation did it? Though, today we are being killed off for our whiteness just as much as for our religion. We may share christian and racial similarities or kindred within our so-called clubs, and it all depends on how willing you are to use your brand of Christianity to justify eradicating your racial identity, well being, kindred posterity, and heritage.
Replacing our jobs and wealth that are sent overseas with the flooding of our communities with dark hedonistic immigrants. The “education” that students are receiving at schools in very liberal states is virtually the same as the “education” that students are receiving at schools in very conservative states. Mr. Treason and his moral existentialism…
According to the Investigative Project, “the people in the Obama Administration to date:”
* Abedin, Huma: Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary
* Abunimah, Ali: Vice president of the Arab American Action Network
* Al-Hibri, Azizah: U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
* Al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah Tariq: Patron of Obama during 1980s
* Al-Marayati, Salam: Representative of the U.S. government at the
annual Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe conference
* Alikhan, Areef: Department of Homeland Security
* Arab American Action Network: Received money from Woods Fund when
Obama was board member of Woods Fund
* Barack H. Obama Foundation: Headed by President Obama’s half-brother,
who oversees the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments
* Asbahi, Mazen: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs
(during 2008 presidential campaign)
* Elibiary, Mohamed: Homeland Security Advisory Council
* Husaini, Minha: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs
(during 2008 presidential campaign)
* Hussain, Rashad: Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic
* Khalidi, Rashid: Professor of Middle East Studies at Columbia
* Magid, Mohamed: Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Countering
Violent Extremism Working Group
* Mogahed, Dalia: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood
* Obama, Abon’go Malik: the older half-brother of Barack Obama
* Patel, Eboo: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood
* Said, Edward: Professor and Arab activist who was keynote speaker at
1998 fundraiser attended by Obama
* Shora, Kareem: Homeland Security Advisory Council
* Shora, Nawar: Senior Advisor to the Civil Rights and Liberties Office
of the Transportation Security Administration…
Multicultural Subversion, Genocide, and Treason!
Left forces dark narrative: Dark hedonistic multicultural subterfuge and subversion of white protestant christian America continues to psychologically preoccupy, spiritually destroy, and materialistically consume our people without a fight = Sheep to the Slaughter. Who Needs Facts? This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Many promote and revel in sin. Look at what’s being done to our military. It’s pure treason to dilute or subvert our military with foreigners who are hostile towards white protestant and christian America. The subversive crooks who have hijacked our sociopolitical institutions are using our military as a breeding ground for foreign combatants in preparation of a new age inquisition.
I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. Those who will not are being removed.
The destructive hedonistically pagan Babylonian indoctrination of America continues: Women are collectively paying millions to absorb its message—a message that on its face is explicitly damaging to women. But in the same sense that the “heroine” of the series finds the destructive irresistible, so do Fifty Shades of Grey fans. This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Multiculturalism is the feminist anti-Christ Zionist weapon being used to destroy Christians and their nations through secular paganism or relativistic heathenism founded upon ancient hedonistic Babylonian practices or lifestyles facilitated by dark elitist enemy infiltrators conducting dark mass enemy Islamic, Jesuit, heathen, and pagan coreligionist immigration and dark enemy race mixing to rob and destroy our people and nation. This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
We the people allow the commie crooks in our government to get away with their multicultural treason and genocide of white christian America…
A long time ago, the Zionist/Jesuits realized they could not counteract true CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD, and that true Christian fraternity could not be attacked in an open, head-on manner, since they would create too many enemies by openly denying that America was a Christian nation.
(Notice that this has changed in recent years, now they are so bold that they come out with direct attacks against this truth – ED.) The kings and queens of multicultural theft, subterfuge, subversion, supplanting, treason, and genocide. This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Yes it’s the Jews my friend. The modern day Sadducees and pharisees operating under their new Kabbalist titles of Ashke(Nazi) and Sephardic Jewry who have rewrapped their Babylonian paganism and heathenism within modern secularism and relativism in order to demoralize, rob, supplant, and destroy all other races, creeds, and nations in opposition to their own through facilitating dark hedonistic multiculturalism.
Israel–like a hungry vulture perched high on a tree branch watching as two enemies below go at each others throats until their mutual destruction brings her an easy meal–is once again up to her old tricks
in keeping the artificial Islamo-Christian war she helped produce on 9/11 at the very top of her agenda.
Caught on video: Lone white man fights off mob attack by ten Latinos in Las Vegas…14 Brooklyn thugs from Latin Kings arrested for allegedly planning attacks on victims who insulted their gang…
I’m so filled with warm fuzzy rainbows gleaned from my Zionist tinted glasses that I just want to hug a Muslim after my head pops off…This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Juxtapositions on the nature of assimilation, multiculturalism and open border for the goyim.
Some states have shifted toward a more accommodating approach to diversity and have adopted “multicultural policies” that go beyond the protection of basic civil and political rights guaranteed to all
individuals in a liberal democratic state (Banting and Kymlicka, 2003). Other states are still debating how to address the challenges of diversity and the multicultural reality…raising significant debates
and existential questions of identity, belonging and rights. This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
The Civil Rights movement in the Age of Obama has descended in to blatant anti-white racism and bullying of children. On St. Valentine’s Day this past weekend ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters targeted the “white utopia” of Walnut Creek, California.
As for Jews, they feel colder toward evangelical Christians than they do about any other religious group.
The hedonistic elitist Zionist subversives are using mentally, spiritually, and sexually perverse feminist women and corrupted law enforcement agencies here in the US to control, rob, victimize, subjugate, or destroy their men and children within our predominantly white protestant christian culture and society. This I Believe…This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
“Progressives have jammed this (common core) through in the dead of night,” Glenn said. “Beside being dumber, our kids are going to be indoctrinated with extreme leftist ideology.”
Two of the stereotypes surrounding serial killers are that they are almost always White males and that Black males are barely represented in their ranks. In a sample of 413 serial killers operating in the United States from 1945 to mid-2004, it was found that 90 were Black.
“Like the legendary Vampire Dracula lays claim to his victims, the Globalist slowly drains the essence of life and liberty from our Land.  While it may be surprising to some, we will begin this overview of the U.S. treason and debauchery with George Herbert Walker Bush, a long time and high-level proponent of world conquest.
The devil fathered Zionism, crypto-Jew Jesuits, crypto-Jew Islamist, Allah, and Zionist Christianity…You are of your father the devil = Cursed Fig Tree. This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Never ends when one is trying to dominant the other taking what they have for their own tribal or clannish benefit…This is an abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Parroted like a truly indoctrinated commie fascist progressive liberal parrot. Feminism is anti-Christ secular paganism and relativistic heathenism straight from the communist Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism or multicultural subversion that perverts, robs, and destroys mainly white protestant dominant christian cultures, relationships, families, and nations by pitting their kindred people against themselves. A leftist utopia where equality is used as bait for women willing to be used to destroy their men and children through hedonistic Babylonian practices or genocidal sacrifices to pagan gods who are actually behind infanticide, homosexuality, race mixing, mass immigration of enemy coreligionists, delusional diversity, twisted tolerance, and self-eradicating social justice. A special Zionist/Jesuit ruled world where women are allowed to discriminate against or play god over their men and children using secular pagan ethics or heathenish relativism enforced by a leftist tyrannical regime.
A world of trasnhumanistic anhedonia where ungodly love and freedom is really enslavement to the neoprogressive evil elite through dependency upon enemy enforced fascism or a supped-up communism disguised as progressive democracy or a secular constitutional republic. This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem/Judah and come out from among the great Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic whore and her daughters. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
unclean spirits unplugged…
White kids murdered by blacks…Wake up whitey! This is a blatant declaration of continuous and deadly war against you and your posterity. All whites whether catholic or protestant are under the Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic sword and our numbers are dwindling daily without a shot fired in our defense…Wake Up, Stand up, or continue to parish.
The Washington Times reports that Dr. Ignatiev is himself Jewish. If Jewish intellectuals and Israeli political leaders can be believed, Jews have a cultural and racial consciousness. Israel is the Jewish homeland, and Israelis seem determined to keep it that way. Can anyone imagine a gentile at an Israeli university founding a magazine devoted to abolishing the Jewish race? White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
The phrase “The long march through the institutions of power” refers to Culturally Marxists slowly taking over key positions in the institutions controlling culture in order to create a new culture. In effect this will create revolutionary changes without having to resort to political violence. It also reflects a worldview where Cultural Marxists view themselves as infiltrators and subversives. (The phrase is often attributed to Antonio Gramsci but was instead coined by another Cultural Marxist (Rudi Dutschke) who was influenced by Gramsci’s ideas.)
The Frankfurt School was an important influence behind the various leftist movements which started in the 1960s.
Many later cultural ideologies such as postmodernism, post-colonialism, deconstruction, and multiculturalism are heavily influenced by critical theory. Kevin MacDonald writes in the Culture of Critique that they adopted principles such as “the fundamental priority of ethics and values in approaching education and the social sciences; empirical science as oppressive and an aspect of social domination; a rejection of the possibility of shared values or any sense of universalism or national culture; a “hermeneutics of suspicion” in which any attempt to construct such universals or a national culture is energetically resisted and “deconstructed”.[1]…
This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to relearn how to Fight.
Catholics who see through the hype of multiculturalism? The catholic Jesuit multicultural apostasy in education? “The Roman Catholic motto is ourselves alone for fellow Roman Catholics. We must defeat all heretics [non-Roman Catholics] at the ballot box.
The holy father states that negative tactics are fatal. The demands of the holy father [the pope] are that the public services should be 100% Roman Catholic soon. Care must be taken that no suspicion may be raised when Roman Catholics are secretly given more government jobs than Protestants, Jews, and other heretics.” This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
The Second Vatican Council, commonly known as Vatican II, was a JudeoMasoniccoup d’église aimed at capturing the Catholic ChurchThe liberal and modernist conspirators were largely victorious in their goal of causing large scale apostasy. This process led the appearance of the Vatican II Church, a new religion, which presents itself to the world as simply the Catholic Church. The document Nostra Aetate is the specific institutional act which saw the pseudo-Catholics submissively kneel down next to modern Protestants as little more than cheap Jewish lackeys in Western culture.
There’s no assimilation in transformation through dark mass invasion. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight. Wake Up!
There are truly deranged anti-white protestant christian progressive parrots who spew liberal buzzwords to hide their ignorance behind. Facts are what they are whether or not they frighten or confuse you. Or you could be just another anti-white christian America subversive here for the free stuff our treasonous government gives to our enemies for coming here to support their elitist criminal efforts.
Sounds like many have spent way too much time in their own private stupid stores or playing with themselves as kids…get a grip…
 My racial, religious, cultural, and national identity is still intact even after all the progressive liberal multicultural propaganda that has been shoved down my throat in order to rob and subvert my people and nation. Most people today, especially the young, are very self-destructive in many ways and turn on their own over dark hedonistic material pursuits. I don’t like the Black Panther’s, La Raza’s, Latin King’s, Judaism’s, Islam’s, Jesuit’s, Wiccan’s, Secular Paganism’s, Relativistic Heathenism’s, or Satanism’s model or designs for white protestant and christian America either. This is an abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Regardless of your racist spin on what I’ve said the facts remain. Zionists and Muslims are trying to eradicate all of Christianity world wide, and they have infiltrated our country’s institutions bringing their war here within our US borders. The race, creed, and culture war in the US is far from over. The kindred Shiites and Sunnis are trying to kill each other off for dominance while waging war against Christianity and Zionism. Not much different from the racial, religious, and cultural war taking place here in the US between the different races, and creeds. It’s sad to say that the foreign subversives who have infiltrated our sociopolitical institutions are now diluting or subverting our military with their foreign coreligionists who are anti-white protestant and anti-christian….Pure Treason!
The dark hedonist multicultural invasion, theft, subterfuge, and subversion of white protestant christian America must be stopped one way or the other or all will be lost to the tyranny of the Zionist and Islamic
secular pagan or relativistic heathen elitist 1%…Pure Treason! This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
The overarching goal of the “open borders” movement is to flood millions of non-Whites into all traditionally White nations. Make no mistake – this is not mere coincidence. It is White genocide by design, worldwide in application. The United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Australia: White people founded and populated these nations.
This is the evidence that we are under attack from within by our enemies of old who have infiltrated and subverted our white protestant christian institutions and we are losing our posterity and nation.
Child migrants and refugees moving through Europe are forced into “survival sex” to pay human traffickers, says the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). This evil genocide being presented here is the direct result of the elitist Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic unholy trinity working together to multiculturally rob and destroy whites and christians globally.
The holy wars never ended between Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, and the many other brands of secular paganism or relativistic heathenism. They are all diametrically opposed within their
doctrinal natures. You cannot mix them together as one or mix them out of existence for God said they will not cleave one unto another. When one violates the boundaries and habitats of the other we see conflict and war. This is the abomination of desolation that will cause God’s people to flea from Jerusalem. White People and Christians need to learn how to Fight.
Most things people do today are either random acts, ordered acts, structured acts, or acts of survival within this chess game of life here on earth devised by the elites and controlled by their paid henchmen.
So, in most cases it is really irrelevant from a secular or relativistic viewpoint how we choose to act out in order to get ahead or survive while others hold the purse strings and resources where as long as we don’t get caught making the wrong moves on their chess board we will either be tentatively rewarded or penalized. Some of us are allowed to advance further than others as needed for token Eskimo status for the continuance of their socioeconomic shell game or the so called American dream where you might feel like your making progress or winning the game but you never really do unless your allowed to advance in some marginal way. However, none of us are allowed to enter the elite circles unless they allow you to through marriage, conversion, and adoption into one of their kindred clans rank and file system.
Most of our acts or choices actually only affects the individual and maybe a few who are close to us unless we go on some kind of public rampage but the upper echelon hardly if ever notice nor are affected by any of us unless specifically targeted in our actions and succeed.
Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic elitists facilitated invasion of all white christian nations to multiculturally rob, subvert, supplant, and kill in creating a leftist Zionist/Jesuit controlled utopia using Islam and other
anti-white and anti-christian dark skinned third world immigrants as their lapdog henchmen. The elites on all sides of the unholy trinity use the average sheeple as cannon fodder to maintain their status and roles by exploiting our very real racial and religious beliefs, integrity, and unity. Peace is not profitable to the gangster central banks or oil barons. Furthermore, the more immigrants let into the US the more the
crooks in government take away from our citizens. More jobs sent out of our country the less our citizens have, and more bodies to go off to war. I do see a lot of so-called poor Muslims rushing in herds to get
into white christian countries to exploit them as encouraged by the elites.
Many people today will screw just for the money, drugs, and alcohol. Many screw just because they can with little or no responsibility and self-respect muchless respect for their race, religion, elders, ancestors, posterity, culture or nation. Many screw because they get drugged by nefarious miscreants or get too high or drunk and end up knocked up by someone outside their own race, religion, and culture and then call it love to justify their irresponsible behaviors. Many screw ugly and degenerate people because they have been conditioned to do so as a form of self-eradicating social justice warfare. People in their right minds don’t sleep with their enemies who leave them stranded as racial, religious, and cultural outcasts stuck on government benefits as a single parent with a litter of ugly mongrel kids. That’s supposed to be attractive or some form of self-delusional pagan hedonistic love?
There are beautiful and ugly ducklings in the world, so why would any sane person want to sleep with just the ugly ducks? So, take off your imaginary progressive liberal colorblind shades and call a spade a
spade. Progressive semantics only demonstrates ignorance and self-deception. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but that only goes so far. There’s responsible and irresponsible love or Godly and ungodly love with lot of pretension today while our people are terrorized in the Zionist/Jesuit, and now Islamic controlled US school system, economy, media, and government.
You should do a little research on the topic of Zionist Jewish influence and destruction in Canada. You might be surprised since the elitist Zionist Ashkenazi or fake Kazarian Jewish banksters have their evil
destructive fingers in so many pies around the glob and target white and christian countries for their multicultural theft and genocide agenda. The Jesuits are a black ops arm of the Zionist Rothschild/Soros/Jesuit cartel. I believe one of the Rothschild/Soros clans member ‘Maurice Strong’ is still in hiding in China for his thieving agenda 21 criminal activities in Canada and the US. Check it out:
Obama’s family say he is a Muslim. Muslims and Jews rape and enslave white and christian girls. Zionist promotion of porn warfare. Obama surrounded with Muslims and Zionists in our government. The old holy wars have reappeared right within our own white christian sociopolitical institutions here in white protestant built America.
Actually it’s a new age multicultural inquisition against white protestant America that also includes all whites and christians everywhere. The holy wars never actually ended and their is no great experiment in American society, only great deception.
In Stockholm, Sweden, as many as 20 Muslim men gang-raped an 11-year-old girl. A mother was hosting a birthday party at a public bath/swim center for a group of 11 and 12 year old children. Up to 20 Muslim men who lived at a nearby refugee center arrived at the public bath. They immediately began to assault the children, ripping their swimsuits off and beating the boys when they tried to stop the assault. Eventually, the men cornered one of the little girls in a grotto in the bathhouse and gang raped her. The police refused to make any arrests.
White man – this is your enemy! Leader of Anti-Defamation League , ‘Abe Foxman’ , One of the biggest Jewish organizations in America pushing for white genocide in the name of anti-racism!
My wife is half Native American and German and our race, religion, culture, and heritage does matter to all involved. Life is a learning process. We deal with things the best we can. We married later in life so things were not very difficult to deal with. There is a lot of pride in race and culture on all sides. Me and my wife are very concerned about the future for white christians and Native Americans here in the US especially with all the anti-white, anti-christian, and anti-American third world people of color flooding into the Republic. The bankrupting, miscegenation, and supplanting of our white christian and Native American cultures are a major concern for many Native Americans as well who are feeling threatened and negatively impacted by it all.
All the rich Hollywood Jews with private tunnels to go party Kabbalist style while screwing ignorant and deceived young white girls at Hefner’s Zionist playboy mansion. It’s hard to find more detailed information on Larry Flint. Mr. Flint was a civil liberty advocate, and in the US military.
Hefner Name Meaning: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a potter (see Hafner). Flynt or Flint: Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from German Flinte ‘shotgun’.
At the end of the 19th and beginning of the twentieth century, Jews were deeply involved in what was popularly called “white slavery”: international prostitution rings. “White slavery,” notes scholar Albert Lindemann, “was a concern of Jewish leaders throughout the world, who recognized it as a special problem.”
The treasonous communist Jewish ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project is dedicated to expanding and enforcing the civil liberties and civil rights of immigrants and to combating public and private discrimination against them. Jews enlist black Muslims and immigrants to undermine and destroy white christian America.
In 1920, Roger Baldwin organized the ACLU. A co-founder was Crystal Eastman, a Jewish feminist lesbian. Baldwin was a Socialist, some said he was a Communist, and he hated Capitalism. He believed that Christianity was the belief system that was the cornerstone of Capitalism and so the stated goal of Baldwin was to destroy Christianity and in so doing, destroy Capitalism. Understanding why the ACLU was formed can help all of us understand why today the ACLU is in the forefront of the battle to remove God from our culture. If there is no God, there is no Christianity.
This culminated in the Immigration Act of 1965 which lifted many of the race-based immigration restrictions. The new law allowed Asians, Latin Americans, and Africans to come to the United States. Among them were a heavy influx of Muslim immigrants who have remained to this day.
find it difficult to share some of the articles because of the inflammatory name calling that turns many people off who would otherwise read what is being said. I use words like ‘ The elitist subversive Zionist/Jesuit central banksters, and their crypto-Jew corporatist comrades working alongside of their murderous fascist Islamic oil baron henchmen are multiculturally robbing, supplanting, and killing off white christians and commandeering their nations’.
Many whites and white christian activists really have great information on their websites. However, I “Parents around the United States are quickly coming to the realization that the Common Core State Standards Initiative is insane and actually makes it more difficult for a child to learn anything substantive.” Keeps our kids ignorant of the invasion and subversion of their and nation.
Zionists will use all manner of tactics to portray Israel as the poor little victimized nation surrounded by hostile Muslims, but those of us not so naive as to be taken in by this, realize who is the aggressor and
rouge state in that region of the world. For white European nationalists this is obvious, although some so called nationalists wrongly support Israel because of a dislike of Islam and are easily manipulated to view Jews in a favorable light.
Through Feminism, the Jew attacks the core, primal identity of the female, weakening society by disallowing women to be who and what they are: caregivers.
Nathan Abrams writes in the Jewish Quarterly,“Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America.
It is definitely about race, creed, culture, heritage, posterity, money, and power with all people unless they are mentally impaired, indoctrinated against themselves, ignorant, stupid, doped up, or sociopathic. The synagogue of Satan…
Before I die, I would love to join my fellow American patriots in a march on Washington to remove all the foreign subversive miscreants from within our white christian institutions.
WOMEN Arm yourself by all legal and illegal means that exist since everything our enemies now working through our government does is against our white christian people while your white christian men act stupid and too chickenshit to organize and defend our posterity and republic from the enemy within who say it’s all perfectly legal white genocide through Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic multiculturalism. Caution and not cowardice in the face of your enemies who violate the boundaries for our habitats set for each kind/race by a loving and forgiving God’s edicts establishing the natural order for peace and salvation where its an honor to be counted among his least. Again, trust no man (nor woman) lest you be deceived because the Devil works through the flesh making the heart of all humankind continually evil.
Just look at all the asinine white government lapdogs in the US just doing their jobs by leading their enemies to their homes by the dictates of communist/fascist Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic foreign subversives now controlling our government and the mass enemy coreligionist immigration into our white protestant christian republic…
We have a brainwashed generation of drug children raised on adderall, marijuana, other toxic compounds and outright brainwashing in the government schools, where they believe in things that are false as though they are truths. Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic theft, subterfuge, subversion, treason, and genocide of white christian nations. The unholy trinity of the new age inquisition…Walter Veith – The Islamic Connection to Rome Catholicism…
Ronald Reagan did follow the Zionist/Jesuit multicultural agenda to rob, supplant, and subvert white christian America when in power, and the Clintons followed in his footsteps. He was the father of mass
incarceration, Amnesty, and exporting American jobs. Once an actor always an actor. Trumps kids married elitist Zionist Jews and converted to Judaism…food for thought. No trick or treat to be found here…
Most of what’s left of our real white silent majority are just waking up to the reality of being robbed blind with their families destroyed while our jobs are sent over seas, communities becoming third world battle
grounds, and treasonous subversives working within our institutions to destroy us…
The elitist Zionist/Jesuit multicultural propaganda with its old condescending progressive liberal buzzwords is for the dumbed down and ignorant sheeple. I pull the leftist blinders off the deceived in our
white christian republic so all can see through your leftist neoprogressive anti-white, anti-christian, and anti-American rhetoric and subterfuge. If this was an articular against Whites, Christians, or Muslims you would of been happier than a pig in its own mud. Truth is not hate just as demons are not space aliens.
The majority of Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Jesuit crypto Jews are communists with their roots in Bolshevism. There are 6 crypto-Jew Jesuit trained Roman Catholics schooled within the catholic secular division, 1 Spanish Sephardic crypto-Jew, and two Ashkenazi Jews on our white protestant built supreme court. This demonstrates level of infiltration and deception in America. There are also a large number of Jews in high positions within our school system, economic, legal, media, and other various government auspices pushing the communist multicultural agenda of theft, subterfuge, and subversion of white christian America. The Jewish Takeover Of Canada.
This is Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic multicultural Terrorism, Subterfuge, Subversion, Supplanting, Treason, and Genocide in white christian America: “The white Christian male gun-owning liberty lover. Despite the fact that white Christian male gun-owning liberty lover’s are law abiding citizens (for the most part), the DOJ has decided that they (we) are a threat to the country”. The Zionist/Jesuit Jews of Hollywood now Subordinate whites to Africans and other minorities within their communist multicultural media programs in order to rob and supplant our white American christian people and our protestant built Republic.
I’m not used to living in a melting pot that never existed in the first place. The melting pot idea was a bogus Zionist/Jesuit creation used to deceive the world. I went to an all white school and our town only had one African family living in it and they were viewed as an ominous sign. Africans and other dark skinned minorities with their music and culture were taboo among us. The mass dark immigrant transformation of our communities has been for the most part imposed upon us over the last 30-40 years when our jobs started being mass exported by SEPHARDI and ASHKENAZI JEWISH BANKERS, Real Freedom and Liberty?
The Rothschilds have a network of organizations, including B’nai B’rith and its offshoot, the Anti Defamation League (ADL), that work with other Rothschild- controlled groups to target anyone who gets close to seeing the elephant in the living room and exposing it for all to see. They attack and undermine them in every way they can to stop the simple and devastating truth coming to light – that the Rothschild Zionists control…The mainstream media Hollywood and the movie industry governments, not least in the United States crucially in the light of current events, they control global finance and commerce…
The early American colonists of the 17th Century were beholden to the Bank of England’s Jewish owners —  paying taxes from their labor — as repayment for funding the “opportunity” to create a new way of life in the New World.
Lou Dobbs: It began really with the collapse of the telecom and communications bubble in 2000. The corporations took advantage of a digital universe to start moving jobs overseas to cheaper labor markets, and then expanded from there — to what’s now an estimated 400,000-500,000 jobs a year being exported to cheap overseas labor markets.
Rothschild Zionist/Jesuit banksters, Islamic oil barons are multiculturally robbing and transforming white protestant and christian America. A new age commie fascist inquisition.
The Truth is still the truth in spite of what our Zionist/Jesuit, or our Islamic enemy infiltrators say within our schools, media, and government.
For those who actually remember our brother Yahshua’s birth and sacrifice in bring us all back to be one again with the father of all creation…God Bless.
Zionist imaginary two party subterfuge: Those who Slip through the cracks are the real threat? Really??? These mass invaders should not of ever been allowed anywhere near our US borders in the first place. This is just blatant multicultural theft, subterfuge, subversion, supplanting, treason, and genocide of white christian America being down played with leftist semantics. The majority of the dark heathen coreligionist immigrants are obviously just perfect with the Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic foreign terrorists now working within so many of our once white protestant and christian economic, and sociopolitical institutions. This is the real threat and message herein of the elitist leftist miscreants. Those falling within the imaginary mass immigration cracks is the leftist spin or downplay involved here and is a blatant insult to the public intelligence of the American people; or are we really just stupid sheeple? Seems most of the dark skinned heathen immigrants in the pictures presented are Men = Enemy Coreligionist Army…New age Inquisition.
Most people do not realize that Jews are the driving force behind mass immigration and demographic genocide.[2] Those pushing mass immigration would never give up their home or their job to immigrants but they are fine with the majority of white people losing their homes and jobs to immigrants.
Ever since the early 1900’s, the Jews in the United States have tried clandestinely to control the immigration policy of this country. The publicly stated purpose for this control by the Jews was to encourage a multi-ethnic population in the U.S. supposedly to guard against persecution of Jews.
Church and Statism…The destruction of white protestant and christian America.
Does “Nusach Sepharad” refer to Sephardic custom as practiced by Sephardim? Nusach Sepharad/Sephardi (Sephardic version/formula) –to be distinguished from Minhag Sepharad (Sephardic ritual/custom)– refers to the Ashkenazic form of prayer that includes certain elements from the Sephardic liturgy, along with other borrowings. Nusach Sepharad is also known as Nusach Ari, because the first to integrate Sephardic features in the Ashkenazic prayer was the Ashkenazi Kabbalist Rabbi Itzhak Luria (the Ari, 1534-1572). In the formative years of Hassidism in Eastern Europe, disciples and followers of the Baal Shem Tov and of his successor, the Maggid of Mezhirech,, formally adopted Nusach Ari as their style of prayer. Today, many non-Hassidic Ashkenazis who seek to emphasize the spiritual aspect of prayer and Kavannah (principally among the Kabbalists) have also come to adopt Nusach Sepharad.
The rhetoric and propaganda between white christian America’s enemies is in full blast mode while more of our people are killed off in the elitist Zionist/Jesuit hedonistic wars. For example, Putin’s mother is supposed to be Jewish making Putin another Zionist crypto-Jew claiming to be an orthodox christian while he praises Israel and honors the Holohoax with threats of imprisonment when the Zionist/Jesuit gangsters are multiculturally robbing and destroying white protestant and christian people and their nations. Putin is said to have issued arrest warrants for elitist Jewish criminals Rothschild/Soros while clamping down on Islam in Russia. Donald Trump claims to be a protestant while his kids married elitist Zionist Jews and convert to the Kabbalist religion of Judaism that is one big enemy of all protestants and christians. Our christian American people are sent to Islamic infested nations to get killed while the elitist Zionist/Jesuit banksters and their corporatist/political henchmen flood our nations with Islamic/third world coreligionist enemies of whites and Christianity.
The Catholic church and many of our once great protestant churches in the west have been hijacked by Zionist crypto-Jew subversives that spawned Judeo-Christianity, Christian Zionism, and now Chrislam that are nothing more than a Kabbalist brand of Judaism. So, if Putin is a real white christian than his concerns are well founded. Putin Cracks Down On Christians In Crimea…
Putin has Edomite/Ashkenazi blood on his mother’s side…Putin’s mother Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, is JEWISH, which makes him…
The first was the English Revolution in 1649 which was financed by Jews from Holland, in which Cromwell committed regicide. As the Jewish financiers dictated, Cromwell opened the doors for the return of the ousted Jews to England in 1656.
Angela Merkel (Kasner) is a Zionist Ashkenazi Jew facilitating the multicultural theft and subversion of Germany and any other white christian country…3. Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a community treasurer, from German Kastner or alternatively from German Kasse ‘cash(box)’, ‘coffer’ + the agent suffix -ner. Herlind Jentzsch with a Jewish heritage in Poland.
Angela Merkel this fat Jew whore who has been put in charge of Germany is denouncing the growing nationalist movement in Germany.  The nationlist movement is simply demanding an end to Muslims invading their country.  The fact that people have to demand this shows that Merkel is not a leader acting out of benefit for the German people.  Why should people have to demand their leader stop an invasion?
Watching our enemies put out propaganda to turn us against each other while robbing and transforming our white protestant and christian nations.
It’s refreshing to see an educated African American speak out on the elitist Zionist/Islamic economic and multicultural terrorism taking place within our once great white protestant and christian sociopolitical
institutions involving the theft, subterfuge, subversion, and genocide of white protestants and Christians through the leftist facilitation of a dark mass enemy coreligionist immigrant invasion, dark hedonistic race mixing, and commie feminist paganism. Our socioeconomic institutions, government, and military are intentionally being diluted and subverted from within. I do expect some sort of modern day inquisition is under way. Well done Mr. Williams…God Bless…
President Obama’s vision is that of a man brainwashed through an academic vision of multiculturalism, in which American exceptionalism has no place. It’s a vision that has been shaped by a longtime association with people who hate our country, people such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Weather Underground leader and Pentagon bomber William Ayers and Ayers’ onetime fugitive wife, Bernardine Dohrn.
The communist Jewish cultural Marxists behind the Marxist Frankfurt school and the Jewish Freudian Tavistock mental warfare Institute have sworn to bring down white christian western society? Psychoanalysis is a complete fraud used to destroy all white christian nations through dark hedonistic multiculturalism and drug addiction that is nothing more than white and christian genocide = Commie Fascist Social Justice compliments of the Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic unholy trinity behind the new age Spanish/African inquisition now taking place through dark mass enemy coreligionist immigration, and dark heathen race mixing.
The dark hedonistic multicultural theft and subversion of white protestant christian America is the true objective of our elitist Zionist/Jesuit and Islamic enemies who have hijacked our institutions. However, the leftist crooks in Washington are in a rush to dilute and subvert our military with foreign immigrant combatants who do not like white protestant or christian America.
Do you believe we will unite to stop the genocidal third world invasion of our white christian nations? Many people from within some of the darker races already living here in the US preach that we should unite with them in order to stop what is taking place when they are benefiting from it all…at least tentatively. It appears that few people here in the US are actually capable of uniting or are united enough to do much besides rally in protest with little or no real impact so far.
You can parrot all the liberal buzzwords you like and claim to be born in Kenya if it helps. Race and creed is a reality and if you can’t handle it then get a different pair of progressive shades if it makes you feel smarter.
What engendered or empowered your commie leftist ilk is our inaction in throwing your subversive multicultural comrades under the bus instead of letting them remain within our white protestant christian sociopolitical institutions after we learned they were not really white protestants or christian Americans.
Yeah…Right! Any scumbag can call themselves American as long as the treasonous leftist crooks in our government allow them to. All free or stolen stuff comes to an end, eventually. Legal isn’t really legal neither when there’s subversion and treason involved.
There will come a time for reckoning sooner than most think…it’s the agenda of the left. Prophecy is being fulfilled. Just because a dirt-bag is born here it doesn’t make them a real American anymore than being born on an Indian reservation makes one a real Indian when they are not. Native Americans don’t take kindly to foreign impostors living within their sovereign territories.
The American founding documents were constructed by and for white protestant Christians and have safe guards for the protection of their posterity. The law is not to be usurped by foreign or domestic enemy subversive infiltrators or by tyrants who commit treason against the welfare or best interests of our white protestant christian constitutional Republic. Thus, we have the full inalienable right to bear arms to remove any such enemy subversives or combatants in reestablishing the sociopolitical order to our Republic.
Prophecy you will come to believe in as sure as the sun sets and rises. Communist multicultural theft, subterfuge, subversion, treason, and genocide by dark hedonistic crypto-Jew Jesuits, Zionists, Muslims,
secular pagans, and relativistic heathens who infiltrated our white protestant christian sociopolitical institutions by claiming to be christian until recently.
America was 93% white protestant christian up until the 1964 treasonous civil rights act and the treasonous 1965 immigration reform law…guess who were really behind them? The posterity of our new age inquisitors?
What will be the attitude of communism to existing nationalities? The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and thereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.
Israel Promised Land of Organized Crime
Israel: The Promised Land for Organized Crime…
Muslims stand for something they believe in and are willing to fight for their beliefs and survival. If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything…as the truthful saying goes. Muslims teaching their kids to fight suggest that they take their race, creed, culture, and posterity seriously while white protestants and Christians procrastinate themselves out of existence within their own countries.
Or maybe Christians depend on the governments who are behind their eradication in order to protect them?
Protestant means protesters against apostasy within Christ’s church and will constitute God’s remnant end time church for those who refuse the mark of the beast.
Zionist christian puppet preachers are twisting or negating God’s word and his creation to get our white protestant christian people to racially, culturally, and spiritually self-eradicate and commit national genocide through dark hedonistic multicultural subterfuge and subversion.
More white people died in the United States last year than were born, a surprising slump coming more than a decade before the Census Bureau says that the ranks of white Americans will likely drop with every passing year…
It is not just Sunday worship that mainstream Christianity borrowed from Mithraism. Other traditions were absorbed as well. “Restoring Apostolic Christianity”…
Yes, the ceremonial, sacrificial, Sabbaths that foreshadowed Christ’s arrival, and punishment laws or ordinances written in the book of Moses are the laws or ordinances held against us that were nailed to the cross. Christ said he came to write his father’s laws or commandments on our minds and hearts instead of on stone. There are many anti-Christs…
Google your questions to get your answers. Let those who have insight reckon the number of the beast. Read between the lines. For example; Google: ‘What was nailed to the cross?’ = The Ten Commandments that were kept inside the Ark of the Covenant while the laws in the book of Moses that were held against us were placed beside or outside the ark. (Deuteronomy 31: 26). Then he took the testimony and put it into the ark … and put the mercy seat on top of the ark. (Exodus 40: 20)…. the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod which budded, and the tables of the covenant (Hebrews 9: 4). Take this book of the law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, …(Deuteronomy 31: 26).
Google: ‘Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God.’ = Leviticus 20:13 (KJV) 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
1 Corinthians 6:13 teaches: “Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.” God created male and female. He shows us that there is a difference between the holy ways of one man and one woman lifelong marriage and the unholy ways of fornication, adultery and Homosexual Sin = Genocide= Leftist Pigism.
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God…1 Corinthians 6:9-10New King James Version (NKJV) 
# 3 Hands that shed innocent blood; Abortion…There is perhaps no practice today that illustrates the shedding of innocent blood more than the bloody phenomenon of abortion. More than one million innocent babes are slaughtered annually in their mothers’ bodies…Leftist Mass Murder = Genocide.
Some summery thoughts, articles, and videos related to the topic at hand. I hope you all find it enlightening.
A very interesting statement in this history article: “With the help of the local Jews who welcomed the Muslims as liberators.” I know crypto-Jews infiltrated Islam just as they have infiltrated Christendom and are now responsible for the multicultural theft, subterfuge, supplanting, and subversion of white protestant and christian nations facilitating the wars now taking place around the glob. The elitist Zionist Jewish/Jesuit/ Muslim elements are now dominating and controlling much of our economic and sociopolitical institutions here in the US. These elitist Zionist orchestrated radicals are responsible for the dark enemy coreligionist mass immigrant invasion and the Muslim infiltration of our US institutions currently taking place while our white christian American kindred sit idly by allowing for their eventual subjugation and continued eradication if this dark hedonistic multicultural trend continues. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind…2 Timothy 1:7 KJV.
The pact signed by our protestant Pilgrim Fathers and others aboard the “Mayflower” on November 11th, 1620 has taken on a paradigmatic significance because it was the first political covenant in the colonies. This document contained the elements of the religious covenant but, instead of forming a church, created a “civil Body Politick”. Therefore it was a document of political foundation…
“If this phrase appear to any reader paradoxical, a very little reflection will convince him that it is only so in appearance. For, the greatest organized wrongs which the civilized world has seen perpetrated in modern times, upon the well-being of mankind, have been committed under the amiable name of humanity. No despotic government now avows the ruthless purpose of self-aggrandizement and of the gratification of hatred and the lust for power; but its pretense is always the good of society, and the welfare of the governed. The wars of the ‘Holy Alliance,’ which drenched Europe in blood at the beginning of this century were all undertaken nominally for the peace and liberties of Europe. No demagogue confesses, in popular governments, the greedy ambition or avarice which proves to be his secret motive: but he seeks only the good of the ‘dear people,’ while he betrays them into mischievous anarchy or legislative atrocities.” –Robert Lewis Dabney, 1886.
God did not make us all the same…what is wrong in America? Communist feminist undermining of our military.
The book of Romans describes the wickedness and the iniquity of mankind. There are personal sins which are sins of the individual. Then there is the iniquity of a nation, which denotes a corporate effort to commit sin. The leadership of a nation condones and legalizes sin. Our leadership in the United States of America has betrayed us as well as our educational leadership. The professors and the teachers in the colleges, universities, and even the seminaries and church leadership has betrayed the American people. They are out for popularity and money. Politicians and preachers are trying to become popular, to become influential and to become rich, to amass unto themselves filthy lucre. What we need in this nation today is prophets of God that will speak the truth without fear or favor.
Commie fascist statism…Marxist multicultural feminization of our military. I seen a movie on a kids Disney channel the other day called ‘Cadet Kelly’ and it basically promoted African musical cheer leading, race pandering, broken homes, and broken marriages as idealistically acceptable normal conditions within a juvenile military school. Left a bad taste.
Organized Jewry destroyers of Western civilization…Many do not know about crypto-Jew Jesuits, Zionist Christians, or crypto-Jew Muslims who are responsible for the Spanish/Anglican inquisitions and all the wars since where hundreds of millions of white protestants and white Christians were/are mass murdered.
Dark hedonistic multiculturalism is the Zionist/Jesuit Jew infiltrators main weapon being used to facilitate the theft and destruction of all white christian nations through dark hedonistic race mixing and dark enemy coreligionist mass immigration. The elitist Zionist genocidal maniacs are also responsible for the Islamic infiltration of our once great white protestant sociopolitical and economic institutions to aid them in their progressive multicultural theft, subterfuge, subversion, or transformation of white protestant christian America. I call this the new age inquisition facilitated by the unholy alliance of the Crypto-Jew Jesuits, Zionist Christianity, and Islam. Take hard look at who sits on our protestant built supreme court: 5 Roman catholic Jesuits, 1 Spanish crypto-Jew, 3 Ashkenazi Jews with no Protestants = Subversion and Treason. Look at the Muslims now working in our government auspices just since sheik Homo Obama lied his way into the presidency with the help of Zionist neo-nazi George Soros making and controlling our voting machines…
Our protestant churches have been infiltrated and subverted in like manner preaching that we should love Judah and send our money to feed them and our soldiers to die for them while many of the minority Sephardic Jews and the majority of secular Ashkenazi fake Jews hate all whites and Christians.
Millions more white Christians were killed outside of the Spanish/Anglican inquisitions by the Zionist Jew, Zionist Christian, crypto-Jew Jesuit, and crypto-Jew Islamist in last two world wars for Ashkenazi and Sephardic supremacy through global multicultural genocide and to surrender to such pervasive evil is equal to self-eradication within all white protestant and christian nations as the current stats and reality bear out….Die with your boots on if you’re gonna die…Truth is not hate.
Just look at who sits on the US supreme court = No Protestants…Red Flag!
“The Jews both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; they please not God, and are contrary to all men, forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up  heir sins always, for WRATH IS COME UPON THEM to the uttermost” (I Thes. 2:15-16). The account of the cursing of the fig tree (Mat. 21:19).
Christ is an anti-Semite for he cursed the fig tree of Judah down to their roots for killing him, his prophets, and for Judah’s overall wickedness? Zionist/Jesuit socialist fascism or commie fascism is the subversive element bringing down protestant ethic capitalism in America.
The contentious split between Judah, Benjamin, Levi, and the rest of the house of Israel still exists today with Esau trying to kill Jacob?
“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever . . . Thomas Jefferson”
“To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. . . whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all blessings which flow from them,
must fall with them.” ~Jedediah Morse
Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself…Ephesians 1:19 KJV. Christ sent a legion of demons out of a man into a herd of swine who then ran off a cliff into the sea and killed themselves. The point is that animals are demonically influenced or possessed as well just not on the larger scale that people are since Satan wants or already has you in his snare.
Dr. Ronald Bayer, a pro-homosexual psychiatrist has described what actually occurred in his book, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis. (1981). Organizations such as the APA have known to be influenced by political groups such as the Gay Liberation Front and B’nai Brith’s infamous Anti-Defamation League, not to mention the American Civil Liberties Union.

The criminal CEOs of drug companies are allowed to commit felony crimes, engage in routine price fixing fraud and fix their research with fraudulent clinical trials, yet the FTC and FDA do nothing.
Muslim terrorists in South America join forces with drug cartels.Today, Terrorist-sponsoring nation Iran is increasing its presence in Latin America, and Hezbollah, a terrorist organization it sponsors, is making inroads in drug trafficking in Colombia.The Medical/Pharmaceutical Industry is controlled by Jews.
International banking giant HSBC may have financed terrorist groups and funneled Mexican drug money into the US economy through its lax policies, a damning Senate report reveals. The bank’s bosses have apologized for the misconduct.
GMO’s Deadly Facts: The Rothschild Cabal’s Audacity To Depopulate ~ Minimize Blow back From The World’s Citizens For Wealth Distribution To ‘THEIR’ NWO Vaults. Jews kill more Gentile American soldiers with Big Pharma drugs than the Jews’ wars for Israel kill abroad.
One such scientist that has come to the fore in recent times is Dr Stanislaw Burzinski who has gained fame for demonstrating a cure for cancer that has made the Jews and their acolytes in the pharmaceutical drug trade and medical profession quite furious, and issued in their unrelenting persecution of him, in an attempt to get him put out of medicine and his cancer cure banned in the United States …
Are you an extremist or racist yourself who hates white protestant christian America? So, get the hell out! Can’t give up your freeloading and subversive ways? Please my friends just ignore the progressive liberal propaganda spewing from the Satanic mouth pieces who sound like they need an exorcism…birds of a feather and trash is trash.
Arm yourselves and be prepared to make a stand against the Satanic dirt-bags now working within our white protestant christian institutions who have unleashed their hedonistic neoliberal automatons or demonically influenced servants within our midst in order to rob us and destroy God’s people here in America. Keep the faith my friends and fight the good fight.
Here are a few more closing thoughts, articles, and videos related to the topic at hand. In two of the following videos concerning the catholic church’s racial and cultural programs both past and present, I agree only impart where Christians should be united in order to protect their kindred habitats, and national boundaries that involves preserving the different races, creeds, cultures, posterity, and their national identities from their evil enemies who seek to enslave or destroy them. I am a rock solid white protestant who knows his roots and past history and I will not surrender or become part of my enemies apostate, pagan, heathen, or heretical organizations.
Many do not know about crypto-Jew Jesuits, Zionist Christians, and crypto-Jew Muslims who are responsible for the Spanish/Anglican inquisitions and all the wars since where hundreds of millions of white protestants and white Christians were/are mass murdered. Dark hedonistic multiculturalism is the Zionist Jew infiltrators main weapon being used to facilitate the theft and destruction of all white christian nations through dark hedonistic race mixing and dark enemy coreligionist mass immigration. The elitist Zionist genocidal maniacs are also responsible for the Islamic infiltration of our once great white protestant sociopolitical and economic institutions to aid them in their progressive multicultural theft, subterfuge, subversion, or transformation of white protestant christian America. I call this the new age inquisition facilitated by the unholy alliance of the Crypto-Jew Jesuits, Zionist Christianity, and Islam. Take hard look at who sits on our protestant built supreme court: 5 Roman catholic Jesuits, 1 Spanish crypto-Jew, 3 Ashkenazi Jews with no Protestants = Subversion and Treason. Look at the Muslims now working in our government auspices just since sheikh Obama lied his way into the presidency with the help of Zionist neo-nazi George Soros who now makes and controls many of our voting machines. Our protestant churches have been infiltrated and subverted in like manner preaching that we should love Judah and send our money to feed them and our soldiers to die for them while many of the minority Sephardic Jews and the majority of secular Ashkenazi fake Jews hate all whites and Christians.
The Catholics were actually a small percent of our population in America and were kept in check through government policy until the Jewish/Jesuits/communist made treasonous 60’s anti-white protestant christian civil rights and immigration reform laws that were forced on us at gun point. The Catholic church has a history of being infiltrated by the Kabbalist Ashkenazi and Sephardic crypto-Jew Jesuit mass murder machine. The Ashkenazi or Kazarian fake Kabbalist Jews are communist/fascist killers who want to own and control the whole house of Israel ( Zionism ) and much more. Pope Francis is a south American Jesuit communist just as many of his Bolshevik comrades in Russia were/are who mass murdered 66 million mostly white Christians…not including the white christian Armenian genocide. It’s published that Hitler was part Jewish, and that the Ashkenazi central banking communist/fascist elite used him to kill off many of the remaining real Jews of the bloodline of Judah who rejected the Kabbalist Frankist doctrine. However, recent studies find that a significantly smaller number of Jews were actually killed in concentration camps in WWII.
“Before I begin this post discussing issues for the Africans and my own vision for African National Socialism, I must also speak about my post yesterday that upset a great deal of people. First, I make absolutely no apologies as to what I said against anyone who race mixes; absolutely no one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to destroy their heritage or culture in such a despicable manner.”
Too bad you are not white nationalist instead of a black African nationalist because you would make a good brother at arms. I strongly believe in white christian protestant ethics nationalism here in America that this republic was built upon for our posterity. I know that the Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic multicultural agenda is to rob and destroy all dominant races, cultures, nations, and their posterity for the sole benefit of their own Zionist/Jesuit Ashkenazi and Sephardic tribal members. They do have to be put in their place before all of us are enslaved or eradicated. The Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic Satanic trinity is very entrenched and we will play hell to overcome them. Good luck in your endeavors…
I believe we the people need to bring back the unAmerican activities committee to stem the tide of foreign subversive immigration and infiltration of our sociopolitical auspices. The only people who would object to this are foreign subversives. Joseph McCarthy was right about Zionist communists working within our government and social institutions.
In most cases, neoprogressive and foreign subversive remarks demonstrate their own partiality to their own kindred and creed…naturally. Many of them can use progressive liberal psychobabble to try and hide it but the truly educated and enlightened can see right through them.
What’s wrong with many neoprogressives liberal in the US today besides their being anti-white and anti-christian America without knowing it? The only thing many liberals get right in their statement is on America’s religious foundation is ‘were’ a christian nation because at one time real white christian Americans did not allow the so-called Jews of Judah or any other enemy foreign power to take control of our US economy, media, and other sociopolitical institutions. We were a wealthy and powerful white christian nation in spite of our Jewish/Jesuit, and Islamic enemies who we are still at war with. There will be a spiritual Israel who will come to occupy a physical new Jerusalem in the real nation of Israel for 1000 years here on earth before the white throne judgement. Zionism represents a modern idea of a Jewish state in Judah that does not represent the whole house or nation of Israel which consists of 10 more tribes. Jerusalem is only one city out of the whole nation of Israel. Zionism is represented as the synagogue of Satan in the end times book of Revelation where only a few actual Jews will come to repentance and be saved. Remember that Christ cursed the fig tree of the Jews right down to its roots for their father was of the devil.Many today sound like a Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic Nazi subversives having a temper tantrums over my steadfast white christian nationalism. Without us white christian Americans Zionist Judah would not exist and white christian America would still be a Godly, wealthy, strong, and powerful Republic.The Zionist/Jesuits who have infiltrated our white christian institutions are feeling threatened now that what is left of us white protestant and Christian Americans are waking up to their Zionist/Jesuit, and now Islamic multicultural theft and subversion of our republic.
So, now the Zionist/Jesuit scum have to label us as terrorists by likening us to our other mortal enemies in Islam who have also infiltrated many of our institutions as a side affect of the Zionist/Jesuit multicultural agenda. In either case, the Zionist/Jesuit elite will still prosper as white Christians and Muslims kill each other off on our own streets in the coming race wars because we can not all exist within the same tent without it catching fire.
Many neoliberals have substantiated my insights through their subversive anti-white christian ramblings in defense of the Zionist Jews who still deny any wrong doing on their part for intentionally handing Christ over to the Romans demanding his execution for being and saying he was the son of God, and the king of kings. The devil using his other Kabbalist devils to accomplish Satan’s will. The so-called modern Jews still work through the same methods of persecution and murder by proxy. Atheism is a Satanic religion based on faith and morality in opposition to God’s natural moral laws re-wrapped in pagan secular hedonism or heathenish relativism. In a link below you will find a neoprogressive college dissertation on facilitating progressive liberal toleration theology that calls for the elimination of all opposing godly based religion and morality through the theft, supplanting, and subversion of all white christian cultures, nations, and Christendom. Multicultural Marxism is the foundation for the hedonistic leftist utopian democracy built upon white protestant and white catholic genocide = commie fascist social justice or toleration of the ungodly or enemy religions seeking access to our habitats.
Neoprogressive liberals should of better think out their crappy leftist propaganda before they open their subversive progressive parrot beaks to attack true white christian American citizens. For one thing, there is no such thing as the ‘far right’ because it is nothing more than a subversive commie fascist neoliberal buzzword created by our enemies in order to rob, and undermine true white and christian conservative patriots who are now waking up to the nefarious workings of the Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic democrat and republican puppets at work within our white christian sociopolitical institutions who are just as guilty of white christian genocide. They have all allowed our Islamic enemies into our midst through their multicultural treason. This is real evolution of truth in politically incorrect abstract thought. Walk softly and carry a big stick. The pen is mightier than the sword. I’m not colorblind and I know who my enemies are who are facilitating real hate, bigotry, and racism against white protestant and christian America through their Zionist/Jesuit commie fascist quest for dark hedonistic social justice which is nothing more than white and christian genocide. Rights are either established through God, or by the force and deception of tyrants. I’m here to remind our white christian American people who built this great republic of their past, heritage, and responsibility for our posterity. Speak Out!
I’m not sorry to be infringing upon the neoprogressive dislike towards my white christian people and nation. As usual, progressive liberals have done what all other foreign and domestic subversives and terrorists have done by separating our white American christian women and kids from their men because our enemies target them for easy indoctrination and exploitation. The Zionist enemy indoctrination of our white christian kids and women here in America is so deep that many of our white christian females now disgustingly prefer dark skinned, dark eyed, and nappy haired rug rats over their own kindred children without ever realizing how ridiculous they look together or how loudly their white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes clash with the dark skinned heathens. Before the Zionist/Jesuits and communists invented the 60’s treasonous civil rights and anti-white immigrant reform laws the majority of white christian America was repulsed by such notions of dark mass heathen immigration, and hedonistic miscegenation with the dark pagan races. The Hollywood Zionist/Jesuit communist Jews now shove their multicultural subversion down our throats with full government force. Nuff Said!
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Many anti-white neoprogressive liberal subversives who want other progressive parrots to think all whites and Christians are Nazis or whatever in order to rob, supplant, and destroy their race, creed, posterity, heritage, and nation.
Go to China and spew your commie fascist Zionist/Zesuit and Islamic multicultural subversive buzzwords at them in your attempt to rob, supplant, mass migrate, miscegenation, destroy their national identity,and sovereignty.
Pull your pants up wiggernut and be quiet…lol…Zionist induced cultural confusion or just dementia of a foreign subversive?
Furthermore, I have plenty of followers on my sites from the real side of life. I post the truth and liberals post psychobabble and Ad hominem attacks in an attempt to hide the truth behind their ignorance or subversive nature. Neoprogressives never really address the facts in the topics presented…
Ok, progressive clowns should say the same kind of hateful and silly anti-white christian crap about Mohamed to real Muslims in Iran or Iraq and see where their rights and free speech begin and end. The constitution was constructed by white protestant men of God for THEIR posterity who escaped genocide by Jews/Jesuits, and Muslims in Europe.
Don’t presume to preach to me on something you know nothing of outside of your rules for radicals handbook of Satan. Typical liberal logic dictates that freedom is a right to be a degenerate or a detriment to society. Holy wars never ended. Your paganistic hedonism is a religion of destruction and lets see how tight you hold to your perverse faith when your time of real testing comes to your door? Wont be so funny then…
Many dark heathen and white liberal posts suggest they are MalclomX fan club members, Zionist fascist supporters, La Raza, Latin King members, Five percenters, MS13 killers, Black Panther national violence supporters, Islamic terrorism enthusiasts, Russian Red Mafia drugging of America profiteers, Crypto-Jew Jesuit sociopolitical subversives, Kabbalist terrorism supporters, supporters of Zionist christian cultural inversion, Marielitos terrorist racketeers, Clan Usuga thugery supporters…Ad hominem semantics practitioners…The truth is the truth no matter how ugly it is.
PC (political correctness) is not LIKE a religion, it IS a religion, and I’ll add, an “old timey” religion…
I do not agree with this line of thinking on the Mayflower compact: “giving it (the compact) a much more Lockean and secular title 173 years after its creation is very telling.” This statement is a very big assumption more like leftist revisionist propaganda. Our 98% white protestant nation was very Christian up until the mid 1960s when our then 93% white protestant foundations were then completely hijacked and subverted by the unholy trinity of Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic Bolshevism and fascism complements of the commie Jewish Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism, fascist Freudian Tavistock mental warfare institute, and commie crypto-Jew Jesuit liberation theology. The mid sixties was wide open leftist multicultural warfare against white Protestantism with the treasonous forced anti-white immigration and civil rights laws/acts.
Many today should not believe the more recent Zionist/Jesuit, and Islamic news propaganda being released trying to demonize what’s left of white christian America with their anti-white christian propaganda: Fact: Blacks Murder More Whites Than Whites Murder Blacks: Cops Kill Whites at Almost Double The Rate That Cops Kill Blacks: Muslims Are Already Slaughtering Christians In America (Get Ready For More Persecution Of Christians In Your Own Country):
The Zionist Nazis in our government are going clamp down on real Americans who object to the multicultural theft, supplanting, and subversion of our white christian nation? Not a surprise. They have been doing it to us for years now. Everyone’s faith and endurance will be tested in the times to come.
I’m an American white christian conservatarian who is not politically correct. We need to bring down the evil elitist communist Zionist/Jesuit, fascist Islamic central banksters, and oil barons unholy trinity before all of us peasants end up dead or enslaved within commie fascist slave labor industrial complexes.
The only way we the people can achieve any type of real unification is by respecting each-others boundaries for each of our habitats by rejecting the destructive leftist globalists multicultural agenda. Can’t have too many different kinds of Indians living in the same tepee without it catching fire. God did set the boundaries for each kind/race for a good reason. We all need a kindred place to call home and feel safe.
Racism/Discrimination are just a words used to describe people who hate or do hateful things
to other races without just cause or provocation. There is a natural competition for turf, resources, propagation, and survival between the races that is not racist or discriminatory when kept within its proper context. The anti-white and anti-christian unholy trinity of Zionist/Jesuit communists, and now fascist Islamic multiculturalists have hijacked the connotative and denotative meanings of the words Racism/Discrimination by revising them in such a way to be used as a seemingly justifiable weapon that is being used today to rob, supplant, subvert, and destroy dominant racial, religious, cultural, and national heritage, posterity, identity, and cohesion under the guise of dark hedonistic social justice passed off as secular democracy indoctrination. By forcing many races, tongues, and religions to live under the same tepee, the elite scumbags exploit the natural competition between the races to create a very volatile and chaotic state of existence which they attempt to control through economic sanctions and government force. God did set the boundaries for each of the kinds/races
habitats for good reasons and their violations leads to strife and war.
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No film maker dares to be critical of Jews, Israel or Zionism. A Jewish male must be referred to as “a nice Jewish boy”, a young girl is an “American Jewish Princess”. Jew musicians are always “talented”, writers “gifted”, painters “sensitive”, doctors “brilliant”. Jew millionaires “philanthropic and visionary”. The Zionist/Jesuit global criminals have slowly replaced white protestants and white Christians within our US media with many fake whites with light hair, light eyes, and light skinned media characters, and with many dark haired and dark eyed near whites, and with many dark haired, dark eyes, and dark skinned enemy coreligionist subversives. After the communist Jews infiltrated America and stole Thomas Edison’s movie business many of the earlier film events that were made up through the fifties and sixties portrayed white christian culture, heritage, and history with many real white European characters while slowly integrating dark multicultural elements into their films until the elitist Zionist criminals felt safe enough in launching a full scale hedonistic anti-white and anti-christian assault on our christian American culture with very little effective backlash from our American white christian citizenry who constituted up to 92% or more of our US population. By the end of the sixties the hushed multicultural war facilitated by the Jewish/Jesuit infiltration of our white protestant built sociopolitical institutions were thoroughly subverted against our white protestant society and white christian culture. The communist/fascist elitist Zionist/Jesuit war against our white christian nation used our economy, resources, schools, churches, media, government policy, police, and use military force against our white protestant and white catholic population in the 60’s to force their dark hedonistic multicultural social justice down our throats daring us to fight back.
Foreign born African traitor in chief robbing and destroying white christian America…
Good thing I’m not a Republican or Democrat who are largely leftist progressives in actual works that are usually the opposite of their stated policy or platform. Their morality is measured in mammon…
Democrats, Republicans, and many of the third parties are almost completely controlled by the leftist Zionist/Jesuits elitist secular pagans, and now heathen relativistic Muslims have been allowed into our white christian sociopolitical institutions to help further facilitate the leftist dark Utopian multicultural theft and destruction of our white christian Republic. Both of the corrupted leftist political parties have implement the same anti-white and anti-christian policies and laws using force and the threat of force against us. Most all of the political miscreants from both sides of the imaginary Isle should be arrested for treason, exiled, or shot. The type of dark hedonistic communist social justice many are expounding is nothing more than white christian genocide through mass dark pagan/heathen coreligionist immigration, and dark hedonistic miscegenation of our white christian people….Economic and Multicultural Terrorism, Treason, and Genocide.
Zionist Rabbi Saperstein, ambassador for religious freedom. This Zionist elite dirtbag want to integrate Christians and Muslims in the Mideast in order to achieve Zionist supremacy through the genocide of opposing non-Jewish races, cultures, religions, and governments.
“I am an American citizen of Jewish heritage concerned about the methods and doctrines that the criminal leadership of the Jewish and Zionist hierarchy have promoted worldwide. I feel that Jewish Americans need to affirm loyalty to the Constitution of the United States of America as well as the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, rather than the racist attitudes of the Talmud and other Jewish scriptures”… Rense.
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The crypto-Jew Jesuit messiah…Just like the crypto-Muslim christian messiah…who now dwells within our once white protestant white house is under tight Zionist/Jesuit and now Islamic elitist control. Promoting leftist dark hedonistic multiculturalism now equates white christian patriotism and self-preservation with their pagan Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic brand of “Nazism” in order to commit white and christian genocide.
In a Republic that was once 93% or more white protestant and white christian being established for our posterity it’s the kind of supplanting and genocide of a race, creed, and culture that will go down
in the communist multicultural history books without a shot being fired in self-defense or self-preservation. Something we can all tell our children about if we have any left. Does this keep you up at night?
BUT BIBZY’S “Existential Threat to Israel” song and dance falls flat in Moscow. The Kremlin isn’t the adoring US Congress that fawns all over Jews bearing cash and votes.
Many Americans would feel the same if Muslims were giving millions to our Zionist christian lackey politicians who are also now allowing Muslims to filtrate our christian government auspices. Many of our enemies have been very well indoctrinated by their leftist subversive comrades infiltrating our christian institutions or are just straight up Zionist subversives. The leftist subversive’s anti-white and anti-christian hate is now showing their pretension to the world through their obvious anti-white, and anti-christian media. This is a major genocidal problem for white protestant and christian America. I hope we can see the problem more clearly now? However, many will deny their complicity or just act ignorant and spew out worn out liberal buzzwords in self-defense.
Christ’s mom, Mary, was of the Levite bloodline and priesthood = Christ the high priest. Joseph was supposedly of the Davidic bloodline of the house of Judah. However, Joseph was Christ’s stepdad and not blood kin to Christ. Joseph died when Yahshua was young which once removed him from Joseph’s side of the family. So, I guess Christ inherited David’s thrown through the proxy of marriage and not blood.
“Christians have been duped by the unholiest hoax in all history, by so-called
Jews. This is considered their most effective weapon.”..
More leftist semantics from an our enemies. I have every inalienable right and a God given responsibility to educate and protect my kindred race, creed, culture, posterity, and nation from the dark or near white skinned foreign subversive leftist ilk who are multiculturally robbing and destroying our white christian Republic. Play the devil if you wish and pick on or exploit our American people because our corrupt foreign controlled government has forcibly corrupted and divided our white christian men, women, and children through subversive and treasonous rule of law making many of our men, women, and children more easy to deceive, exploit, supplant, and take advantage of. I got your number Satan.
Subversion comes in many forms…even as an angel of light. I would love to see real white Protestant christian or real white christian politicians and Judges again who protect our posterity and sovereignty with strong protestant ethics that made our Republic the greatest and wealthiest nation on earth. We the people have been multiculturally robbed and transformed to the point of bankruptcy and eradication. Now the foreign subversive crooks working through our white christian built institutions are trying to take our guns while they continue to flood, supplant, and bankrupt our communities and nation with mass dark heathenish enemy coreligionist immigrants, dark hedonistic miscegenation, and job exportation = Multicultural subterfuge, subversion, treason, and genocide.
Samuel Johnston…In 1776, every European American, with the exception of about 2,500 Jews, identified himself or herself as a Christian. Moreover, approximately 98 percent of the colonists were Protestants, with the remaining 1.9 percent being Roman Catholics.[3]. Anti-Federalist critics of the
proposed Constitution warned that abolishing religious tests would allow Jews, Catholics, and Quakers—even “pagans, deists, and Mahometans [Muslims]”—to hold federal office, perhaps even to dominate the new national government.
“It is apprehended that Jews, Mahometans (Muslims), pagans, etc., may be elected to high offices under the government of the United States. Those who are Mahometans, or any others who are not professors of the Christian religion, can never be elected to the office of President or
other high office, [unless] first the people of America lay aside the Christian religion altogether, it may happen. Should this unfortunately take place, the people will choose such men as think as they do
The man writing the first article listed below is very outspoken, and harsh in his criticism and analysis of world events. However, setting his anger aside, what he is stating is the truth for the most part. The
same self-destructive and neoprogressive induced dysfunctional divides are robbing and destroying our white christian life and majority here in America where Jesuit Rule of the Supreme Court of the United States of America is pure treason.
The pact signed by our protestant Pilgrim Fathers and others aboard the “Mayflower” on November 11th, 1620 has taken on a paradigmatic significance because it was the first political covenant in the
colonies. This document contained the elements of the religious covenant but, instead of forming a church, created a “civil Body Politick”. Therefore it was a document of political foundation…
Since early colonial times, and until just a few decades ago, virtually all Whites believed race was a fundamental aspect of individual and group identity. They believed people of different races had different temperaments and abilities, and built markedly different societies. They believed that only people of European stock could maintain a society in which they would wish to live, and they strongly opposed miscegenation. For more than 300 years, therefore, American policy reflected a consensus on race that was the very opposite of what prevails today.
You do not ignore that the first settlers of Louisiana, Florida, New Mexico, Texas, South California and Missouri were Roman Catholics, and that their first teachers were Jesuits. It is true that those states have been conquered or bought by us since. But Rome had put the deadly virus of her antisocial and anti-Christian maxims into the veins of the people before they became American citizens. Unfortunately, the Jesuits and the nuns have in great part remained the teachers of those people since. They have continued in a silent, but most efficacious way, to spread their hatred against our institutions, our laws, our schools, our rights and our liberties in such a way that this terrible conflict
became unavoidable between the North and the South. As I told you before, it is to Popery that we owe this terrible civil war.
As of 1965, America’s population was 85% European, with the remainder mainly consisting of African-Americans and American Indians. Today, America’s population is 63% European and rapidly declining, while African-Americans have been replaced as the nation’s largest minority group by Hispanics.
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century world, democratization had its best chance for success in the United States. There the links between the polity and the economy were much more limited and truncated than anywhere else, thus satisfying another major condition for democracy. The elites did not get their economic advantages from a powerful controlling state, but rather from the land and other possessions.
The United States had by far a larger middle class, mainly small property holders, than any other country. Its Protestant sectarians, Puritans, Pilgrims, Congregationalists, Baptists, Quakers, Reformed and others–more important there than elsewhere–gave the country greater emphasis on literacy and education; Elites in Latin America, Seymour Martin Lipset 1967. Please note that Mr. Lipset is a Zionist communist economist who promotes the neoprogressive multicultural agenda involving
the minority theft and destruction of white protestant and white christian America.
The Marranos are the original model for the Freemasons and Communists. They pretended to belong to the target group. But, like Masons, they had handshakes to recognize each other and they met in secret at night to rehearse their subversive dogmas.
The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church…
The Jewish lead invasion: These policies resulted in a flood of non-White immigrants, legal and illegal. Immigration and higher non-White birthrates have transformed the American population from almost 90 percent European in the early 1960s to less than 70 percent at the end of the century. The U.S…
For Those Who Don’t fully comprehend the Powerful Role of Jewish Supremacists in the Change of American Immigration Policy!
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It’s my opinion that if my white protestant kindred people along with the true christian family or remnant here in America and around the world don’t take heed to what I have presented herein and make a unified stand against those who serve the forces of evil now attacking them within their very home fronts they will cease to exist as a godly creed or people if the days are not cut short.
Just too many anti-white Christian multi-cultural Marxist genocidal subversives in our media, politics and banking. The Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic unholy trinity has made whites a global minority or endangered species with their Kabbalist new age inquisition. White Christian western civilization is being robbed and eradicated by our leftist dire enemies from the Jewish Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism and their sister monster at the Zionist/Jesuit Freudian Tavistock institute of mental warfare pushing Latin Marxist liberation theology = White genocide of all white protestants, white catholics, and overall Christendom. Islam is nothing more than a counter reformation creation being used by their Zionist/Jesuit masters as our executioners as usual facilitating genocidal mass enemy coreligionist immigration and dark hedonistic race mixing…Jews and Muslims Conspire to Enslave Europeans …
Why Won’t Whites Defend Themselves? Spanish History Lesson: When Jews Took the Arab Muslim Side Against White Europeans…
“You Stole America from the Indians” …
Jared Taylor: Whites Deserve a Homeland (ABC Interview 2017) …
We the white race who have taken mankind into the heavens, we have now been cannibalized by our dire enemies; who have also robbed us all blind, while the government that we built to protect our own kind, now sticks its kabbalist knife ever so deeper into our backs. Now my warning to you all is done and the end times have most certainly begun.
God Bless You All My Friends…


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