viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

70,000 Whites Murdered In South Africa Since 1994


Alfabetical list of a Genocide as posted on Sunette Bridges Web Site in South Africa

I believe this is necessary to keep track of all the murdered white people in South Africa for future generations

According to various sources, almost 70 000 White People have been murdered by Blacks in South Africa since 1994! These people were shot, bludgeoned, hacked, tortured, burnt, stabbed and mutilated. There is no official list available with the names of all these victims and since 2007 it has become very difficult to keep any kind of record as police no longer mention the race of the victim nor the perpetrator on the official reports.
I have been working on a list for quite some time but it is impossible to complete this list without help from the public. Here are the names of the victims listed from A to Z. These names appear on various lists on the internet. Not all the detail I found on the internet is correct and in many cases these people were attacked but survived. I would like to do a complete list of actual murders on White people that doesn’t contain any false information as this destroys the credibility of our case. If you find names that were wrongfully listed, please advise so this can be corrected.
I have not worked through the official “Farm Murders” list yet, but will post the names on confirmation. This list alone contains over 4 000 names. It will take some time to complete this list, so bare with me.
I would greatly appreciate your help in this regard! If you know of relatives and friends that have been murdered, whose names do not appear on the list, please provide me with the detail in the comment section so I can add their names to the list once verified. In cases where I did not have a first name I used an “F” for female and “MR” for male. If you know the names of these victims, please provide the detail together with the number. If any of the detail is incorrect, please provide the correct detail together with the number. I will update the list at least once every 24 hours.
It is time we stop talking about figures, numbers and statistics and speak of the names of the people that died in a Genocide that is being denied, not only by the world but by our own government!
The World needs to know!
PS! To make the task easier, I have to remove the comments as soon as I have posted the detail! Thank you again for helping!


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