martes, 21 de abril de 2015

The word “racism”

“Racist is a control word for Whites.”

The critique of language is the most radical of all critiques. If we don’t uproot from our vocabulary the Newspeak of the anti-Western societies—keep in mind that when all great European civilizations were at their apex the word “racism” did not exist—, we won’t even be able to start discussing the issues.

 More specifically, as long as “racism” is seen as the ultimate evil, to challenge this nonsensical view the white individual should awaken to the fact that races are real biological entities, displaying real physical and mental differences. To awake the white person from the illusions surrounding the word “racism” it is imperative to do a critique of—:
The Newspeak in today’s West
Some linguists have argued that language is rhetoric, and that humans commit a fatal mistake in believing that, if a group of people use a word in all seriousness, it means that something real exists behind it.

“Newspeak” is propagandistic language characterized by neologism, euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings. According to anti-Bolshevist George Orwell, the objective of Newspeak is social control. While Orwell’s focus was a hard totalitarian dystopia, presently the word “racism” is ubiquitously used in soft totalitarian societies.

Let us refer to an ideology that, in contrast to Bolshevism, triumphed and imposed its Newspeak for centuries.
The fourth century of the Common Era, during the reign of Theodosius, witnessed the consolidation of power of the bishops in the Roman Empire after the premature death of Julian the Apostate. Those unconverted to the new religion, that in the times of Julian enjoyed special protection, became second-class citizens. A new word was coined, “pagan” to label the adept of the millenarian Hellenic culture. 

Once created the Newspeak those stigmatized as “pagans”—and especially the “heretics”—were persecuted more zealously than the “pagan” persecutions of Christians in times of Decius and Diocletian. Only by these means the new theocracy succeed in brainwashing all westerners.

A virus for the white mind

The Roman Empire collapsed after the creation of this Newspeak. But as we shall see later in this book, some thinkers and pan-Germanic politicians have noted that Christianity was only the Bolshevism of the ancient world.
In the century when we were born, although white nationalists commonly attribute the term racism to Leon Trotsky, according to Immanuel Geiss the pejorative use of the term by the Left originated in Germany in the 1920s as criticism of National Socialism. The next decade the term “racism” reappeared in an American anti-fascist pamphlet, and the ethno-suicidal meme spread out like wildfire among unsuspecting whites.
If we translate the term back to Oldspeak—just as “pagan” only really meant the usual adept of classical culture—we will see that “racism” is a code word for “pro-white.” Alas, it has become a term that inadvertently induces guilt feelings within the white psyche: an artificial complex imposed upon the absolutely normal ethnic interests of the Aryan.
Detecting this psyop, the epithet “racist” together with the many other epithets, is priority number one in the process of de-brainwashing whites. Besides the most obvious words (“Islamophobe,” “xenophobe,” “homophobe,” etc.), below appears a short sample of Newspeak terms translated back to Oldspeak:
NewspeakAffirmative action” – Blacks stealing our jobs.

Anti-Semitism – The belief by gentiles that Jews may be criticized like any other group.

Civil rights – Untermenschen and spoiled white women have more rights than Übermenschen in the New World Order.

Diversified workforce – Much fewer white males are to be hired or promoted.

Disadvantaged – Unqualified and can’t speak English or French, so give them money.

Equal treatment and opportunity – Fewer opportunities for white people.

Historic grievances – White people ended slavery, human sacrifice in the American continent and cannibalism in tribal societies.

Homophobia / gay bashing – The healthy revulsion by Lot for Sodomite or Gomorrahite behavior.

Human Rights Commissions – Inquisitions denying free speech. Thought Police that enforces liberal political doctrine.

Immigration – Race replacement. Genocidal levels of immigration.

Interracial relationship – White women having non-white babies. Also called racial engineering or soft genocide of white people.

Misogynist – Anyone who disagrees with the racially-suicidal empowerment of the feminists.

Multicultural enhancement – Destroy all European cultures.

Politically correct – Fines and/or jail for anybody not liberal and following the New World Order.

Respect and tolerance – Surrender. “Tolerance” for millions of immigrants means demographic genocide for whites.

Woman’s choice – Abortion and genocide of millions of white babies.

Be warned! The first step that a dissident of the anti-white regime should take is to reject the System’s Newspeak, the words that anesthetize our understanding and debase our self-image.


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