jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Nordic Race Preserves True Diversity Against Jews And The Underworld

Mixing races is not diversity but the opposite. Jews, especially Journalists and Jews in political and governmental positions unitedly maintain that an area is not diverse enough until it contains no white people. If it contains white people it is not diverse enough and it needs more diversity. When it is filled with other races, it can then be called ‘integrated and diverse’, even though what is resulting is often largely just a brown mess.

Through that website and others we point out that this is a fact and we write it for all of our people who have so far only heard the word diversity and thought it benign, and those of our people who have only heard what the Jews have to say on things through their media monopoly, and for all of our people who are too busy working, to notice the destructive effects of the Jew. Diversity is seen as a goal, a goal that can only be achieved when there are no white people left anywhere. Diversity will destroy the White Peoples and substitute it with inferior bipedal monsters, who have done nothing and who have no history, for all creative products are exclusively the invention of only one race.
We point it out through the invention of slogans, phrases, paragraphs and illustrations, the leasing of billboards and public displays with such including the central tenets of the diversity is white genocide message, and the repetition of these slogans, phrases and paragraphs in the writing of essays and articles that include these central phrases and paragraphs for our people to read. We make stickers, posters and cards for our people who are so far not decidedly on the white side against the Jew.

Some examples from the site are :
That’s exactly why we say “anti-racist” is a code word for anti-White. In academia, only White things can be “racist”. They may not say such things publicly, but the anti-Whites in academia do honestly believe that to be “anti-racist” you must be against White people.
White neighborhood = “racist!” neighborhood. White city = “racist!” city. White country = “racist!” country.
That is how these anti-White idiots think.
There are many excuses put out by these anti-Whites, but the bottom line is: if it’s a White country, it must have open borders.
Without open borders (and a high rate of non-White immigrants) it is hard for anti-Whites to “diversify” all those nasty majority White areas.
Anti-Whites believe that “diversity” means no area can be “too White”, but if that’s the case, then “diversity” is actually just a code word for White genocide.
They are written and the important messages are compounded again and again and again. Distribution is intended for broader appeal amongst our people to wake up those that don’t know already and arent awake to the fact that ‘diversity is chasing down the last white person’.
Jew = Communist Terror, Forced Equality and Extermination of Independent Groups
Meanwhile the Jews are taking what we say and saying it is true but that they have reached a point where they feel safe enough inside their host people and their eternal goal of white genocide is seen as legitimate. A Jewess by the name of Emily Goldstein has come out and yet again as the Jews always do has parasitically used our reaction to what they do as a reason for why they are doing what they are doing, just like us blaming Jews for destroying our race and eliminating them from public life to save our race is their justification for flooding Germany today with ‘refuges’. The Jew has again used an example of our race asserting itself or blaming the Jews for what they are guilty of to advance the Jewish cause. This Jew has basically said:
‘yes, diversity is white genocide, it always has been, this is not new, if you tell people this it doesn’t matter because although you think it is a bad thing, we think it is a good thing. And now we will use this as an opportunity for us to say why it is a good thing.’
The Jew is trying to offset the effects and make the people not care that diversity is about white genocide. The Jew reveals its genocidal hand.  The Jew essentially says through justifying Jewish thought against our reaction
‘nobody cares whitey, we will do to you as we please. Nobody cares but you. We admit to everything we do. Why would diversity not be about getting rid of white people, of course it is, and the world agrees.’
We see the Jew happily proclaiming guilt for white genocide and using it as an opportunity to state why in fact it is good. In the words on the Jew Noel Ignatiev “The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists.”
The subhuman, malformed & disfigured Jew
Anybody who is not a white supremacist is justifying the terminal devolution of mankind, and the genocide of mans true form.
There is nothing good about the diversity the Jews are trying to impose on the world.  True diversity occurs only in pure races. We already had diversity. Higher racial specialities are recessive and primitive genes come out in any cross. The results of cross breeding is not ‘diversity’ but a destruction of higher forms and a regression to the most inferior genetic level, into a generic mass.
We already had true diversity when Peoples were separated and held differences from other Peoples, and proudly expressed them within their own national borders. What goes on within these different nations is of no business to the next nation. One nation has nothing to say over how another people should live or organise itself. These different nations and different Peoples with their different ideals and different cultures could have been indefinitely preserved through mutual understanding if it were not for the Jewish mongreliser. A race has nothing to gain from interference by another race. Every race has its own native culture and its own environment it will create for itself. In the past this was all enforced by the Nordic Race as this race had nothing to gain from mixing with inferiors.

He kept things sensible and separate. He allowed differences to flourish.

The Nordic Race fought off inferior bastards to secure its continued existence as a superior race. The beauty and racism of this race should preserve it into the future. We do not want to mix with the other races. We do not want to live with the other races. We have something better in mind. The society that we desire to live in is our matter only and is our business, not the business of a parasitic international agent of decomposition or other races.

The existence of a highly developed Nordic Race ensures true diversity. We protect unadulterated humanity without its mongrelisation and negative selection leading to ugliness, pettiness, stupidity, weakness, uselessness of other races and the eventual poverty, unsustainability and suffering of these backward races with undesirable characteristics.
Without the Nordic Race, humanity consists only of failed offshoots and their degenerative cross breeds.
Mixing the races only increases sameness and creates a generic mass of worthless subhuman rubbish.

(Source: nordicantisemite.com)

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