sábado, 18 de julio de 2015

The reality of race, interracial relationships, and mixed children

hat you are about to read is going to go against almost everything you have been taught about race; yet it will make more sense than anything you have ever heard from any "expert" on the subject. In this post I will be discussing the realities of race, interracial relationships and mixed children. 

Before I begin, I think it is safe to assume, simply because I'm a White person and dare to even write about such taboo topics, that some of you may have already begun to judge me before even finishing this sentence. Please realize that this in itself is a form or racism and prejudice. White people are the only race today that are considered the "racist race" by all the other races of the world. This hypocrisy needs to be addressed and more White people need to learn to stand up for themselves regardless how "politically incorrect" it may be. 

Although it is not meant to, this essay may offend people; even friends of mine who I care for dearly. Offending people is not the aim of this essay, rather, it is to tell you the truth and show you how most likely you have been brainwashed to HATE anyone who speaks about the these subjects openly; ultimately making you, a bigot, supremacist, and hater. Frankly, I don't care if someone chooses to race-mix because that is their choice, however, our choices have consequences; whether they are "right" or "wrong" are based on opinion. It is in my opinion, after doing extensive research on the subject of race, that it is not beneficial for anyone to race-mix. Therefore, I feel that I cannot personally advocate it after learning the self evident truths that are found in genetic data. Furthermore, as a man of science, I am obligated to share this information with others who also seek it; despite what others may think of me and the hatred that I could receive for doing so.

Some of you may be mixed or have mix children, and feel this is an attack on you or them, but I can assure you with all my heart it is not. In no way am I implying that race-mixed people are "sub-human" or "less valuable" to society. I do not believe in "supremacy" nor do I think that any race is "superior" or "inferior". Again, these terms are opinions and nature doesn't care if you can build a castle or invent a rocket; nature is only concerned with survival of the fittest. I believe each race has their strengths and weaknesses, and this is what DNA tells us is fact. If you happen to be offended by something I say, I urge you to ask yourself "does this offend me....because its true?"....or "is what he saying false?" In either case, you should do your own research and find out. But I can assure you that the information you will read here is true because it is based on scientific fact. If you feel attacked or get angry at me for telling you the truth then that is because you can't handle it. If you feel the need to delete me from your life after this, then please do so, because I am not interested in being friends with bigots and hypocrites who preach tolerance but cannot tolerate anything that doesn't fit in their reality.

What did Muhammad Ali have to say about interracial relationships?  Have a look and find out.

I also want to make the point that I do not believe that the Federal Government should enforce a law forbidding human beings to choose their mates, nor should it interfere with a state or a community of people that choose to create a law to prevent race-mixing in their own communities. I believe in free will and freedom of association. But people cannot have true free will if they are not given all the facts. As someone who seeks the truth no matter how inconvenient it may be, I must challenge the politically correct tyrannical "authorities" that insist you deny everything you see with your own eyes in favor of "feel-good" rhetoric and lies. 

Above is a picture of Heidi Klum, Seal and their children.They were fathered by two different men: one was White, the other was Black. Her first child looks just like her and her White husband; the others, fathered by Seal, look nothing like her at all nor do they even look like him. I'm sure you can easily see which children were fathered by Seal. You, by instinct, already know which were don't you? You evil racist you! How funny! We are taught that race is just skin color and yet the combinations of the races will always produce a different-looking hybrid offspring. When you see a mixed-race person, you can instantly identify which of the races were mixed because of their specific racial traits that come from the originals. Some famous examples of mixed-race people are: Obama (White/Black), Drake (Jewish/Black), Tiger Woods (Asian/Black), Beyonce (White/Black) , Halle Berry (White/Black), all of which show obvious signs of being mixed by said races. An interesting fact that many people are unaware of is that most African Americans have about 25% White European blood in them because of the breeding programs between White Irish slaves and Black slaves during slavery. This is why most African Americans look totally different than some African who lives deep in the Congo. My point is, if we all were created equal, then we would look exactly the same and be unable to tell the differences between the races even when they were mixed. Clearly, skin is not the only thing that makes us different. Take a second look at Heidi's children by Seal; from their hair, eyes, skin,  to their nose, face, and lips, none of these kids look like either parent. If someone told me those kids were adopted I would believe them.

The reason why Heidi and Seal's children are so different-looking is because Whites and Blacks are so genetically distant (not even from the same hominid) that Heidi's traits (European/Caucasian phenotype) are totally blended out by the Seal's traits (African phenotype). Once this happens it is irreversible. From this point forward, no matter what partners her mixed children have, they will always remain mixed and never look European or "White". This union permanently ends Heidi Klum's family bloodline and no one even realizes it. In other words, Heidi Klum technically committed genocide against her ENTIRE family lineage by allowing her European DNA to be overwritten by Seal's African DNA. European DNA is so fragile, being that it is so rare and diverse in itself, that is actually recessive, meaning that any amount of alien DNA can prevent it from being fully expressed. To better illustrate what I am saying: picture taking a glass pure white milk and dropping just one drop of chocolate syrup; it will NEVER be white again, nor will it ever taste ONLY like milk.

This young African male is an albino; his skin is white but you can still see African facial traits 

Now for those who would say " but Angelo, I'm Italian and Irish or Japanese and Korean,  or Mexican and Cuban"  etc -- don't worry, that's not race mixing. Mating with someone from a different country doesn't necessarily mean it's race-mixing. There are three main races on earth: Negroid (Africans), Caucasoid (European) and Mongoloid (Asians). Each of these races have further subgroup divisions that are slightly different but mostly the same. Mixing the main races or subgroups with a race from another group is considered "race-mixing". Your race is not determined by what landmass or country you were born in; rather, it is determined solely by your DNA and where your bloodline comes from. So if you have White parents but were born in Japan, you may be a Japanse citizen but you are still a White person. If you then fly to Portugal and marry another White European, that's not race mixing because both of you are White people who lived in different countries. Son't don't confuse "multiracial" with "multinational". But if you are a Black person who flew to India and married a Indian Hindu woman, then yes, that would be considered race-mixing. 

Furthermore, the huge lie that we all came from Africa has been debunked several times. In fact, research now shows that Africans are Homo-Sapiens, Europeans are Cro-Magnon, and Asians Homo Erectus. We don't evmultiracialen come from the same hominids.

These women look exactly the same don't they? None of us can tell what race they are from.

Now do you see why we all look and act differently? It's because we ARE; we come from different origins and that is what makes the human species BEAUTIFUL. Why should we DENY this truth in favor of political correctness? The denial of the truth is in fact hate. Each race has its own traits and adaptations that gives it its physical and mental abilities, strengths and weaknesses, immunities, IQ, behavior, skull structure, hair color, hair texture, eye color, and susceptibility to various race specific diseases.

To learn about the differences between the races I highly recommend this book: 

To say the differences between the races of man is solely skin color is to say that fur color is the only difference between all dogs. Would you say that dog behavior, intelligence, snout size, height and weight, ear shape, coating, immunities and weaknesses etc are all the results different in fur colors? Doesn't make much now sense does it? The human species is composed of difference races just as dogs are composed of different breeds. Each of the main races, along with all their subgroups, have different skin pigmentation. A good example would be taking a Nordic "White" person, say from Sweden, who has extremely pale skin and comparing him to an Mediterranean "White" person from Italy who has a darker skin complexion. Both are "White" people because they fall in the Caucasoid racial group, but their skin is slightly different. Skin is not the only factor that determines race. An Asian man from Japan may have white skin but he is not "White" at all.

If its all about skin color then how can an anthropologist pick up a skull and tell you what race its from?

"But Angelo, we all bleed red". Sure we do, but so do: dolphins, whales, birds, monkeys, dogs, and cats, are we equal to them? We share 50% of our DNA with a banana; 98.6% with a Chimpanzee, and yet look how different we are. The slightest changes in DNA can alter an organism completely. Even though we are all "human" sharing the same organs and basic structures, the DNA in our blood varies between the races, which is enough to make us all very unique. "But Angelo we were all created equal". Really? Show me two people who are exactly equal in height, weight, intelligence, behavior, physical abilities, etc. Twins from the same race are not even equal, so good luck trying to find me two people from different races who are equal. But none of this means that we should TREAT others unequally. We are all equal under the law and that should never change.

I personally cannot advocate for race-mixing, especially within my own family, because there are observably very clear consequences; not only biologically but psychologically as well, as studies have shown. But just because I don't promote it, it doesn't mean I go around hating those who do it or hiss when I pass by an interracial couple. I have friends who are race-mixed; some who even have race-mixed children and I have no qualms about it; its none of my business what other people choose to do with their families. But it is however, quite different when it comes to my own family. I cannot possibly consider myself family with someone who is actively engaging in what I consider the ultimate destruction of my family's lineage. I would be a hypocrite to say I want to keep my family lineage intact while accepting others in my family to go ahead and destroy it. That is how I feel about it and I don't expect everyone to agree or feel the same, but I surely know many that do; whether they have the guts to admit it openly or not. Regardless of my personal opinions on this matter, I am just simply showing you the fact that our society, which preaches and forces diversity on us all, can affect our families and destroy all TRUE diversity with its politically correct policies and ideologies.

Also, when I say "forcing diversity" I am not saying that governments are forcing people to race-mix, but they do force diversity unto all of us via racial quotas, affirmative action, forced integration and sensitivity to racial subjects which prevents our education system to teach both sides of the story. They sure are omitting and suppressing inconvenient truths about race and race-mixing; teaching our children that there are no repercussions from engaging in it. Telling them that "we were all created equal" and that "race doesn't exist" are totally wrong because both are simply not true. 

Look at this blatant lie that we are all one "human race" when the fact is  each RACE is part of the human SPECIES. Notice how they use our innocent children to elicit our emotions and cloud our logic. But even so, we can clearly notice the clear differences between these two.

The reason for the lies is simply so our governments can push multiculturalism which is an ideology that comes directly from Communism. The Communists wanted a global revolution where all nations were border-less and became one, but this could not be achieved if people thought they were different and wanted to preserve their race, culture, language, and identity. Communist think-tanks came up with this idea of egalitarianism, which would convince everyone to sacrifice everything they are to the alter of "equality." If a nation was convinced that they were equal to all the others on earth, then why have a racially homogeneous society, why only speak one language, why have their own culture, why even bother preserving their own country at all? And that is exactly what the Communists want to achieve; the racial and cultural suicide of ANY nation that adopts the concept of egalitarianism so they can be enslaved by the globalists. These lies can lead to the destruction of any nation that believes them. Our history is loaded with examples of many great empires that were founded by White Caucasians ( DNA tests prove it) that all collapsed from within due to race-mixing and multiculturalism: The Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, The Indo-Aryans of India, and the Egyptians; just to name a few.

Statistics show that there are more interracial marriages and more mixed-race children being born today. I must wonder, were these people given unbiased information and taught both sides of the story? I highly doubt it. Communists have dominated academia for the last 50 years preaching race doesn't even exist! The differences that you see with your own eyes are trivial! So if someone is ignorant to the scientific facts about race, then why would they let skin color stop them?  What does it matter if someone's skin is darker than yours if they are exactly the same inside? Nothing. So people do it because they fall in love and don't know any better.

As for the research I have done about the consequences of race-mixing, aside from the offspring looking different from its parents, it seems that mixed-race children have a harder time identifying and fitting in with a group, have more medical complications, have weaker immune systems due to conflicting DNA coding, and are more susceptible to addictions and other forms of psychological issues than non-mixed children.

Mixed-race people have a hard time finding a bone marrow donor:

To make matters worse, the mixed child will be susceptible to mixtures of race-specific diseases. For example, Jews have a race-specific disease called Ty Sachs, and Blacks have a race-specific disease called Sickle Cell Anemia. If a Jew and a Black person have a child together, then it may be susceptible to BOTH diseases which would have never been a possibility had they not mixed together in the first place. That is just one racial combo, just imagine how much more complicated it gets with multiple racial combos. How does any of this sort of "gambling"  benefit a child?

Some proponents of race-mixing will claim it creates "hybrid vigor" in offspring but that is just more politically correct mumbo-jumbo that is designed to keep you ignorant on the facts that there is absolutely NO data that favors race-mixing. Dogs are a great example how this claim is totally false. The more a dog breed is mixed, the more medical complications and psychological problems it has. Did you know that a Bulldog cannot even give birth to its own young without the assistance of human beings because it is so mixed that its reproductive system cannot handle it on its own? In other words, if humans didn't intervene and to help them give birth to their pups, then that entire breed would go extinct. This fact alone debunks "hybrid vigor" and there are many more examples in nature that continue to destroy this nonsensical theory. If that is not nature showing where she stands in regards to mix-breeding, then I don' know what is. Some animals that have been forced to interbreed will have young that are totally sterile. Such an example is that of the offspring between a donkey with a horse, which is a mule that is totally sterile and cannot reproduce. So to think that human beings are immune to the laws of nature would be utterly naive and show a complete lack of knowledge in genetics and even nature herself. Clearly, as humans, our "violations" of her laws are not as fatal or harsh, but that doesn't negate the fact that they are violations nonetheless, with consequences that our children will have to suffer from. 

Learn about how disease affects the races differently here: 

Not only does the egalitarian Communist establishment keep people ignorant from the scientific facts about race, political correctness is also used by different racial groups to oppress others. The biggest victims of racial oppression ironically are  White people, who have been stripped of their identity, shamed, ostracized, criticized, and called every name in the book if they even THINK of expressing any sort of pride in their ancestors, culture, or race. For some reason it is considered "hateful" for them to do so, whereas for Blacks, Asians,  and Mexicans it is totally acceptable and even encouraged by our supposed "fair and equal" multicultural society. Non-White pride = Good, White pride = bad.

It is also totally acceptable to encourage race-mixing but totally unacceptable to disagree. No one cares if you don't want to do it, but they suddenly care if you try to tell others why you don't do it or advise against it. If you are a White person who tries to instill racial pride in your children in hopes the perpetuate your own kind then you are the incarnation of all evils in the world. Yet Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, and Jews all tell their children to "stick together", "vote for him, he's one of us", "watch each other's back", and "have pride in your people". If Whites say the same things to their children, suddenly it is considered as Nazism. One can say "Oh, look at all these mixed-raced children, how wonderful" and that is considered a beautiful statement. But if someone responds to that with " They certainly are wonderful, but I really love my race and hope to have beautiful White children with my husband" , its is considered White Supremacy; as if this person just read a passage from Mein Kampf out loud. If a White person even says the word "race" in a sentence, people suddenly become "morality referees" waiting to throw a red flag up the second they speak positively about their own kind. Those are just examples of the blatantly obvious double standards that are imposed only on Whites. 

To further clarify my message, what I'm saying here doesn't mean that ALL race-mixed children will have  complications, health issues, identity issues or a hard time growing up; I personally know mixed-race people who are doing just fine, but the facts are the chances are much higher and I won't be there down the road monitoring them if complications do arise. But even so, if things do turn out OK, is your child's life worth that gamble? Is your "lust" or "love" , both being feelings that will fade over time, much more important than the ENTIRE LIFESPAN of your children? I think it would be quite selfish for one to know these facts I've presented here and still engage in race-mixing. However, as I stated, I think most people don't know these facts at all and that is why race-mixing is on the rise.

One can also argue that there are many "pure-bloods" who are born with genetic abnormalities and suffer from other factors as well. Of course this is very true, however, research shows that mixed-race children are MORE susceptible to them.  Either way, you have the right to do what you want, but I think parents should consider these facts before bringing someone ELSE into this world.

What I also find disturbing is that our country has become so politically correct that the lies about race are becoming fashionable "feel-good memes" which we are constantly bombarded by via various forms of media. I have seen Time magazine and other Marxist publications celebrate the fact American will be so mixed in 40 years that everyone will be light-brown. 

Here is a photo from that issue showing how "beautiful" it will be. Do any of these people look White to you? They are celebrating how great America will be when all Whites are gone!

What people don't realize is they only way everyone in America can become light-brown is if all White people are gone. In other words, this Time magazine article is celebrating Whites being totally blended out of existence, aka, GENOCIDE. And when White people try to inform each other on whats happening to them, they are called "racists" and "bigots" for standing up against their own genocide. Could you imagine if a magazine came out celebrating that all of Africa will become a White continent in 40 years? I also had the unfortunate privilege to watch ignorant suicidal White people clap at the fact they will become a minority in their own countries while watching an episode of the Conan O'Brien Show. What other race on earth WANTS to be a minority and celebrates its own demise? Even Hollywood films, mostly produced by anti-white Jewish Marxists, try to push this idea that interracial marriage is a sign of "progression between the races" when it actually would lead to the total genocide of both races involved. Yet most Jews consider themselves an ethnic race and are against interracial marriage. Even Israel does not recognized interracial marriages to this day. So why is it that a typical Hollywood interracial love movie goes something like this:

A Black boy and White girl have to struggle to overcome her ignorant White father who doesn't agree with their decision to date. After he is shamed constantly by his daughter and other characters in the film, he finally convinces himself that he must be second coming of Adolf Hitler and realizes he is "wrong" for trying to preserve his lineage. Despite his instincts, he decides to disregard all the sacrifices of his ancestors, along with eons of evolution to allow her and her African lover to live happily ever after. His decision to step down and accept this is applauded by the audience because now  he "understands" and "is with the times". White supremacy and racism are conquered and everyone wins! YAY!!

Now the ending of that movie we all know would be totally different in the real world. Chances are she would end up getting pregnant and her African boyfriend would abandon her with a  mixed child. The statistics sadly show that the African American community has a 79% out-of-wedlock rate, meaning, three out of four Black families have NO father present. What makes you think some White girl is going to change that?

And the most important question, why is this? Well if you study racial differences, one of them is each race has its own breeding strategy and fertility rates due to their different hormonal levels. It just so happens that black women are more fertile and black men are more prone to sexual promiscuity due to having higher testosterone levels in their blood compared to all the other races. So why does Hollywood encourage White women to go race mix with a race who has shown time and time again that family isn't one of their strong points? I think clearly the answer to that question is because a multicultural agenda in a White country is impossible if White people have an collective racial identity to resist it.

Furthermore, statistics constantly show that interracial marriages tend to have more complications, and end up in divorce MORE than homogeneous marriages. Read all about it here:

But these kind of statistics don't fit in with the "diversity is great" mantra, so anyone who disagrees with such unions must be satanic and heartless. Parents who wish and hope to see their children find someone that belongs to their race or culture must be demonic Nazis. A father who isn't so fond of his White daughter being abandoned with a child because he knows the real facts about Black men is simply being irrational, ignorant and  hateful. Of course not ALL black men do this and not all interracial marriage fail, but MOST do. But maybe the government should pass a law to FORCE race-mixing so we can end racism forever? Once we get all these evil White racists blended out of existence maybe then racism will finally end?  I guess genocide is the only answer to end such ignorance.

The idea that America or any other nation; even that the world itself, should one day completely be "mixed" both racially and culturally is simply insane and defies all natural order. Yet it is a theme constantly pushed by Communists via every form of media despite the fact that it is detrimental to all races and cultures involved. If every race on earth mixed together, then all the original races would be totally wiped out, and that by definition, is GENOCIDE. There would be no Blacks, no Asians, no Whites, no Indians; all of us would be a mixed blob of people with no identity and there would be no REAL diversity.

I don't think interracial marriage shows healing through love and understanding, nor does it show any progression in my opinion. I think it actually shows the complete opposite. I think it shows that people are abandoning their ancestral roots because they are either ashamed or have no clue who they really are. I see entire cultures being destroyed and people permanently removing any trace of their ancestors in their DNA. I think race-mixing is the opposite of loving one's people because someone who loves their people would not blend them and their culture out of existence forever. I'm not going to do it, therefore I cannot promote it, nor am I going to hate anyone who does; it is simply none of my business. But it is my business when Communists try to deceive the world with lies that  can affect us all, and that my friends should be all of our business.

(Source: angelojohngage.blogspot.com)

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