martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

7 Things I Can do That My Black Son Can’t: Race-Mixing Father Cries for His Mongrel Child’s Future

Yahoo News recently played host to an article that highlights in depth the level of foolishness our dying society has now reached, with a race-traitor White man praying for the future of his tainted mongrel offspring.
Calvin Hennick, an American who seems to think it trendy to engage in beastialty with a Black female, attempts in his work to create a fantasy world in which White folks, who are universally responsible for creating and maintaining Western civilization, bask in the glories of an undefined “privilege,” and oppress the completely equal and competent Negroes for some random reason.
His mentally-defective rant goes on to highlight seven examples of what he fears his child may never be able to experience, as opposed to those of European ancestry. Let us take a look at Calvin’s pathetic bullet-points, and provide a bit of lighthearted verbal and visual criticism for his decision to destroy thousands of years of genetic advancement.
1. I Can Walk Through a Store Without Being Followed
To take one high-profile instance, Macy’s and the city of New York recently settled with actor Robert Brown, who was handcuffed, humiliated, and accused of committing credit card fraud after buying an expensive watch at the store.

Well, Calvin, considering the fact that more than forty percent of theft-like crime in America is committed by Negroids, out of a population that is about one-eighth of the total, it goes without saying that your beast-child should be followed by “loss prevention” employees to prevent snatching of “gibs me dats.”

2. I Can Succeed Without It Being Attributed to My Race
When my wife, who is black, received her acceptance letter from Boston College, a peer told her she must have gotten in due to affirmative action, effectively ruining the experience of receiving the letter.
Despite the fact that there are a small number of intelligent Negroes, it cannot be denied that their average racial IQ rests at around 80-85 for American Pavement Apes, and below 70 within Sub-Saharan Africa. Conversely, we Whites are a resourceful race, and do not have to rely on quota systems indefinitely, something even the Blacks of South Africa, despite a massive majority, still pathetically depend upon.
3. I Learned About My Ancestors’ History in School
I can tell you all about Louis XIV, Socrates, and the Magna Carta, but I always wondered when we would finally learn about African history (beyond Pharaohs and pyramids). The subject never came up.
African history, aside from the Aryan civilization of Dynastic Egypt, consisted of one Monkey Tribe raping, butchering, and eating another Monkey Tribe, not necessarily in that order, and there is nothing you can do to change this blatant fact. Your child could always learn about that, and can even have lessons from the vibrant African cannibal who calls himself Baboola.

4. I Can Lose My Temper in Traffic
Once, an acquaintance who got into a confrontation while driving told me how scared she was of the other driver, describing him as a “big black guy.” When I get heated, no one attributes it to my race.
Blacks tend to lose their tempers quite easily, and with a horrendous murder rate within their inner city hovels, one has reason to fear the ever-possible “Chimp-Out.”

5. I Can Loiter in Wealthy Neighborhoods
No one has ever called the cops on me to report a “suspicious person.” My wife can’t say the same.
Again, middle and upper class neighborhoods have no intentions of having their homes ransacked by herds of confused and highly temperamental Blacks. Did you forget the whole Trayvon Martin vs. SuperBeaner saga?
6. I Can Complain About Racism
When I point out that black people are incarcerated at alarming rates, or largely forced to send their children to under-performing schools, or face systemic discrimination when searching for jobs and housing, no one accuses me of “playing the race card.”
This just makes no logical sense. Blacks have been sobbing about “muh racism” for generations, while White folks barely raise their collective voices above a whisper, although that is changing. Here is an idea, tell your child’s people to stop committing crimes, cease defecating in public and vandalizing their schools, and actually work instead of collecting government benefits.

7. I Can Count on Being Met on My Own Terms
If I’m being treated poorly, I don’t stop and think about whether it’s due to my race. But unless we somehow make a giant leap forward, my son will always have to wonder.
Most folks feel comfortable dealing with White individuals, for the most part not worrying about said person shedding their clothes, and/or committing attempted murder for some perceived “disrespect.”
As for the great leap forward, Calvin, it is in the works, although your strange African progeny may not have a place in this new society. Liberia or Sierra Leone will have some vacated real estate, however.


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