jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Ideology in the media : reproducing hegemonic relationship

What is Ideology??

Ideology is the system of beliefs that organizes the way in which we view the world and the events that take place in it. The view of the ideological function of the media can at times appear to suggest that a conspiracy is taking place. It gives an impression that there is a collective viewpoint among the media and it is the function of individual media texts to perpetrate a specific ideological viewpoint. Besides, ideology is a relatively systematic body of ideas, attitudes, values, and perceptions as well as actual modes of thinking or usually unconscious that typical of a given class or group of people in a specific time and place.

The life of ideology is the concept of thinking from generation to next generation in the particular social experiences, in which comes in a variety of different forms. As Destutt de Tracy’s (1954-1836), a French enlightenment aristocrat and philosopher states the original conception and identifies ideology characteristics as following. Firstly, ideology contains an explanatory theory of more or less comprehensive kind about human experience and the external world. Secondly, ideology sets out a program in generalized and abstract terms of social and political organization. 

Thirdly, ideology conceives the realization of this program as entailing a struggle. Fourthly, ideology seeks not merely to persuade but to recruit loyal adherents, demanding what is sometimes called commitment. Finally, ideology addresses a wide public but may tend to confer some special role of leadership on intellectuals. 

Moreover, according to Marx (1880), a German philosopher claims the state, politics, education, religion, the law and other activities not directly a part of material production to be ideological forms or manifestations of ideology; for instance, the ruling class ideology in the united states often called bourgeois ideology such as the schools use bourgeois ideology to keep order if students do not do well they will fail in the competitive society. 
In addition, the differences between classes, races and genders also important points to separate each people; for examples, the white collar people typically means management, or those who work in clean environments and wear shirt and tie and always use their brains; while, blue collar people typically means manual labour working in a factory or using their physical strength; therefore, the most of people definitely desire to be the white collar more than blue collar and treat to them each different ways. 

Furthermore, also in United states, television programs from children’s shows to prime-time news, represent white, heterosexual, able bodied males as the norm in the United States, although they are not the majority; despite, critiques of bias in television programming minorities continue to be portrayed most often as criminals, victims, subordinates, or other wise less than respectable people.

As Marxism is a belief system that emphasizes the importance for people in a society to be free to create wealth by setting up and running their own businesses; then, exploits the labour of the workers and argues that the state should own and control wealth creation and distribute if fairly among the population. According to Karl Marx (1880), a German philosopher states sometimes identifies different ideologies with different classes and suggests that the ideas of the ruling class are imposed upon the working class. Marxism divides people in two classes; first is the bourgeoisie and second is the proletariat. The bourgeoisie is a social class of people that is a part of middle or merchant classes where their powers come from employment, education and wealth as social mobility getting ahead by hard work, personal responsibility for one's place in society are all important ideas in bourgeois ideology, a hope held out to all. 

On the other hand, capitalism depends upon a large work force with no other way to earn a living than to work for the capitalist class. For example, the capital industries do not care about a worker’s dreams, needs, family situation, and so forth. They care only whether a person is a good worker if any worker who does not produce enough goods at a fast-enough pace can be dismissed and replaced by an other worker. 

Since only a few can be a capitalist or make themselves independent under capitalism, social mobility, getting ahead, is not a significant reality for most people. As Marxist theory, economic class is viewed as a major influence on what individuals believe and how they act, and also economic systems and structures determine all other aspects of life; including, politics, religion, social status and the overall social system of a society; therefore, these all factors influence each ideologies and contribute to class differences in society.

Ideology is in terms of the power relations within a society. The concept of hegemony is one of the ways in which one group of people can maintain power over other groups through their cooperation rather than by means of coercion.

 As Antonio Gramsci (1971), an Italian Marxist writer states that the bourgeoisie must win the hearts and minds of the people by persuading them or can say that to win someone heart, you can control their minds, and his view of hegemony the cultural and intellectual realm was more important with greater political impact than as an effect of economic structure and relations. 

Hegemony is a fairly simple concept with very complicated definitions. In essence, hegemony is a theory regarding how dominant classes control the order of society by making their own views appear to be the accepted views; since, hegemony encompasses the formation of social groupings, not just their operation and collective action. It is a structural concept, or at least invokes assumptions of structure, but is not structuralist. At present, hegemony ideology is represented through the media; for example, Indian culture in Bhaji on the beach movie shows hegemony on gender ideology that woman are always oppressed by men especially, their husbands such as wife is husband’s possession, wife is subjected to the demand of husband, wife has no personal right or freedom, has no chance to complain and wife belongs to husband’s family. The another hegemony on gender ideology of Indian culture can be noticed on politics news on television such as Barack Obama, the United State president when he and his wife met an Indian ambassador and his wife, Obama and his wife will walked together and discussed with the Indian ambassador while Indian ambassador’s wife slowly walked following her husband because of her Indian culture. 

Furthermore, The American History X movie (1999) shows the discrimination between white and black people in which black people destiny base on white people who adore the race separation until in the end it finishes with sorrowful tragedy. This can be found that the black people often portrayed in the violent genre movie or humorous movie such as Eddie Murphy, the famous Hollywood black actor. Even in Thailand often puts some of “E san” people who speak like Lao language into a funny program on television because the most people in Thailand especially, in Bangkok think that Lao language is ridiculous and embarrassing.

In conclusion, media not only represent whatever we see, but also intervene the hegemonic relationship in different ideologies. The role of ideology natural perform through media in which contribute to class differences, cultures, nations, races, religion and the other social systems. In the other word, ideology is the apparatuses and practices to interaction between media and society.

(Source: rynarak.blogspot.com)

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