viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

The fallacy of the democratic system

Democracy is a political system that was made in order to keep the power in the hands of the people rather than power falling into the hands of inept or tyrannical rulers who could potentially plunge a nation into a path of self destruction. Democracy was said to have originated in ancient Greece. It was founded as a system that would bring equality to all free men who were not foreigners, regardless of wealth or class. Different forms of democracy existed through out European societies throughout history. Another example was the Norse "Thing", or Germanic "Folk-moot". This was a meeting of all free men to vote and make decisions regarding war or trade or to settle disputes. All men regardless of standing would have one vote. These were true folkish democracies. Democracies that served the people as they were of the people. This practice would allow a healthy nation to act in its own interest.

But what happens if the idea of democracy is used in an unhealthy nation? In modernist multicultural, mixed ethnic and capitalist western societies. Democracy has become a vehicle for which the cancer can spread faster. Our once fairly homogeneous European population is fast becoming a minority. Not only that but the average white voter does not vote for his country, or for his peoples interests, he votes for what will provide him with the most comfort and vote for whoever will offer him the best deals and promise him the easiest road. The non-white voters however, the ones who have maintained their cultural identity, will vote for the same sort as the average white voter, as often it is the party that offers the (sl)easy road, that is also trying to push for more immigration, easier citizenship, more diversity, free education for minorities, more work for minorities, less white more "culture". While the stuffy old "conservatives" mainly get votes from older, stuffy "conservative" people.

Do you vote? I don't vote. I feel physically angry when somebody tells me "Well, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain." That isn't true, I have every right to complain, why wouldn't I complain. In the three party system we have in Canada, we have three choices on how we would like our country destroyed. We have the ultra-liberal, socialist NDP party, we have the liberal party, and the conservative party. Often I hear people say that "well, of the three parties, the conservative is the lesser of three evils, you might as well vote for them" . No, the conservative party is only more sneaky and subversive in it's destruction of our people and our nation. The conservative party opposes abortion and gay marriage, they take a stronger stance on drugs and are harder on crime, they are more flexible on gun laws and they support economic growth by tearing through as many of Canada's natural resources as fast as possible. Do these factors make the conservative the lesser of three evils? While Harper and his party take a pseudo-traditionalist stance of things that are on the border of being socially unacceptable, they are as much on the side of the NWO as the other two, if not more so.  While the other two parties promote even more third world immigration and work harder to trnsform Canada into a slum. They propose raising minimum wage to please the people too simple to understand that that increases the cost of everything else. The conservative party hides under a thin veil of faux-conservative policies. Those policies are a gimmick, that's all. They serve the international bankers and global capitalists. They do what is most profitable for global commerce. The destruction of the Canadian wilderness could't be happening fast enough for the conservatives, thirsty for oil. What's worse is that they have signed a trade deal with China, giving China rights to much of our oil for the next thirty years, and if Canada at any point decides it wants to act in it's own interest and make a decision which may adversely affect China, we could potentially face billion dollar lawsuits at the hands of Chinese investors, take that tax payers! Harper has also proposed many new security changes to Canada, including the already infamous bill c-51, a bill which will allow Canada's secret police to investigate spy on and invade rights and privacy of Anyone they see as a potential terrorist. That's 1984 stuff right there. What could a potential terrorist be? It could be a Muslim extremist, it could be anyone who is a little too far right or left for the systems liking, it's a slippery slope for a supposed free country. So no, the conservative party is not the lesser of three evils, they might be the worst.

                                                                                     Conservative loyalty

If I was to vote for one of the existing parties I would probably vote for NDP only in the hopes that they would make such an obvious mess of the economy and our quality of living so fast that people would snap out of their sleep with the worst case of whiplash.

Some people talk about the need for a nationalist or even white nationalist party in Canada. These people somehow are naive enough to think that in this stage of the game we can triumph through democratic means. These people are not living in the real world as modern democracy is essentially a popularity contest. Now, I don't know what makes these people think that white nationalism is popular enough to have any successful campaign on the democratic stage in Canada, or the United states. Such fantastic delusions would hinder any serious effort in the fight to free our people. Why engage in a battle that is doomed to failure while other alternatives still exist? These people might reference successes of other, similar movements of the past, such as the NSDAP of Germany which came to prominence in 1933. What these people don't take into consideration is the fact that this is not Europe, this is not the 1920's and 30's, and the economic and political state of Canada and other western nations is nothing like Germany back then. (More on all of this later). Germany did not have the mass media we have today, Owned and controlled by those who control the world banking firms. Yes the international capitalists and the communists and others of their tribe had their fingers in every pie, but they were not so solidified in their position of dominance over the mind of the average person. People back then were much more connected to their blood and soil. They had a true national pride that went back generations, naturally the democratic results would be better for a nationalist party when the people truly care about their folk and nation. The people who had voted for the national socialist workers party lived under the reign of the Kaiser decades before. They saw their honourable nation betrayed and split apart and their Kaiser abdicate. Their once proud Fatherland went from a world power to one of the poorest countries in the world. Vice and prostitution were epidemic and communists fought fiercely against the last remaining valiant remnants of the old guard. These people saw all of this within their lifetime, of course they will vote for a party that wants to restore power and honour to the nation.

In Canada, in 2015, very few people are still alive who can remember when this nation had any honour. This multi-cultural, knock-off America, pot smoking, apathetic slum community has no recollection of great things, it is content with the things it has because the economy is alright, because it's all good, and comfort is better than anything else, and even if the average individual wanted a better future for himself, for his family and his folk, the media would assure him that no, things are alright, and people who want to change things are weird, bad and evil.

Democracy could never work for us. People are content, the media keeps them in line, and even if you had any success... somehow, in spite of those factors. The crooked bastards would just kill you anyway.

I believe in democracy in a nation of equals. Maybe not on a national level  but in communities, sure. But it only works in a community of equals. It must be a community of those who share a common ancestry, Men who share the same loyalty, and that is a loyalty for their folk and their nation. Democracy can not function without corruption in a capitalistic society, human nature and greed will force it to decay. In the right hands democracy is a great system, for the people. by the people. But in an age of corruption and inferiority, democracy is one of the most powerful tools used by the enemy within.

(Source: votar

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