miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Our Nation Shares Our Fate

When the world was a much more overtly dangerous place, when people faced danger everyday, they had to participate in their own struggle for survival, they couldn't laugh it off and say "chill out!" when confronted with the problem. Back in these hard days there was the threat of nature and the elements, but mostly there was the threat other people also fighting to survive. Other people were a threat because in an age where people were more connected with nature and the divine, there was no sympathy for other people, your own survival and passing down your genes was more important, after all look at any animal in the wild, what is most important? Surviving, dominating and ensuring the best for the next generation of your kind.

Eventually people of the same background, language and ethnicity would unite into tribes in order to stop fighting amongst themselves, and to create something stronger and more of a threat to rivals. These tribes would grow and unite with similar tribes while becoming distinct from the others until eventually they became nations. They established territory, had defined laws, infrastructure,  and a standing army. The nation was essentially the same as the tribe, only more evolved and more capable of accomplishing what it was created to do.

As mentioned, the nation is the result of the grouping together of people of a specific ethnic linguistic and spiritual background. The nation is the shell that protects its founding people. The nation is the vehicle that its founding people can use to accomplish their goals which in a healthy nation still follow the very primal laws of nature; Survive and reproduce. Dominate other threats and through whatever means necessary, establish a supremacy for your people as far and wide as you can. In these healthy nations, people understand that they are part of a greater good, they will ignore the simple pleasures and the cowardly notions of self importance, they will throw everything on the line for their people's future because that is a small price to pay to secure the existence of ones people and a future for ones children. Leaders and high ranking people were on average probably no less greedy, but back than greed and self preservation would be tied directly with the nations prosperity, dominance and safety. If a nation was poor, weak and under threat, so was the monarch.

In Europe these old nations constantly battled for dominance, always fighting always trying to out maneuver rivals through war, politics or economic might. It may have been a positive thing from a Darwinian standpoint that these nations always meeting in battle, the strong would survive and the people would become stronger through survival of the fittest. Looking at today's problems and how outnumbered Europeans are now on a global scale it's truly unfortunate that our ancestors were not more racially aware and united against external threats, so much could have been different.

Healthy nations dominate weaker ones, they absorb and devour anything left worth keeping while everything else is left for dead. A healthy nation takes and keeps watch over everything it can, it is not only a war machine, it is a means to colonize, to spread the founding ethnicity's bloodline to other further reaches of the globe so that they can dominate and spread outwards there. The healthy nation is constantly seeking to grow, to dominate and to colonize and to better its people in every possible way. Its people have a high birth rate and a confrontational positive attitude towards the world and their place in it. There is no confusion, there is no identity crisis, there is no depression, there is nothing but the call to honour and duty. Young men and women know where they stand and what it is they need to do for their people. Monarchs, nobles and high ranking state officials do what they need to do for their folk and nation because they know very well they will be held accountable if they do not.

A nation becomes unhealthy if its founding virtues have become perverted by greed, And/or its founding race has forgotten its roots or has been displaced by another ethnic group. Once one of these things happen, the other will follow shortly. Through colonization and through conquest a nation often absorbs other ethnic groups who were unable to hold their own against the nations might. Sometimes these people are of similar background and may find a way to peacefully coexist, more often these people are of a completely different background and ethnicity. These people can never fit in with the established virtues, laws and traditions. As the old ways are the direct creation of a specific people, they are made to suit the founding race, they are an extension of the founders character. The different races evolved separately, we have developed differently physically, aesthetically and mentally, thus a European morality may not be comprehensible to the minds of those who evolved separately. So when a healthy nation dominates and conquers, but it doesn't do what is necessary to secure the future, and tie up loose ends. The altruistic nature of our people gives them a place to stay. The altruism festers in the minds of naive youth and these foreign guests receive more and more rights, until eventually they are recognized as countrymen, and allowed to be in positions of authority. These guests, who look different, who grew up different, who think different, they have never forgotten who they are, even if we do. They have never forgotten that they are not the founding race of a nation that once oppressed them, and they will act accordingly. This can only happen when the nation forgets its roots and turns its back on virtue and honour. The founding races prosperity has been shunned and is even considered taboo, No decisions are made for the people, only for the ruling elite who no longer have the nations spirit in their hearts.

The old dreams of the original founding race have died to the sounds of unintelligible foreign babble and cash registers. Wealth and votes have replaced virtue and honour in the leaders mind. The leader is no longer a leader but just a another person collecting a pay cheque and a massive pension. The nation itself is more of a formality, a loose allegiance of financial groups who hold sway over a particular land mass and population. Old borders that once separated ideologies, life styles, attitudes and ethnic identity are now just bureaucratic crime scene tape, you can get into one crime scene from another you just need the right documentation and a few fees need to be paid. It doesn't matter where you go, everything is a shake down, virtue is dead and so are true nationalism and the patriotic need to see your people excel. In the west we have lost touch with tradition and honour and our dreams for the future. If a healthy nation is a vehicle for triumph that could take us down the road to victory, for progress and advancement. Our nation is a vehicle that is about to go in the ditch, we've had a few too many drunk drivers at the wheel and we've been riding the shoulder a little too long, let's take the wheel before we crash and lose everything.

(Siurce: vinlandawakes.blogspot.ca) votar

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